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I can't believe that he did that. That motherfucker. I'll fucking kill him and I'll smile as he looks at me helplessly.

I felt someone's hand touch me and I reacted with a punch. It was Ace. “Oh fuck my bad, are u good?” I said as I looked at ace whose lip was dripping of blood. He smiled as he wiped it off. What a psycho.

“Why'd you say my bad,” ace questioned with my reply being the exact same thing I'm thinking right now, “i don't know honestly. ”

“Don't lie,” he growled and I was confused as hell. Why are we still talking right now.“ you know damn well that u enjoyed giving me that punch,” he added.

I smiled,“ yea I kinda did.” Ace rolled his eyes at me. Can u believe the audacity of him ughhh he's so sassy.

“Follow me,” Ace said but I stood in my position with my arms folded. I'm not following him. I don't trust him. He's probably gonna carry me back to the cell.

“Fine, be my guess. Stand there soaking wet for all I care,” he said with not one care in the world as he began typing something in his phone. He was so unbothered that I was there and I was actually invested because he seemed focused and also stern while typing whatever the fuck he was typing.

I started shivering because of the fact that the rooms were cold and me being soaked in water didn't help at all. I needed to take a bath in warm water right now.

“Are u done being a brat,” ace shrugged and I felt accused, “trust me u haven't seen a brat. I mean is that what u call a brat because that's kinda sad don't u think.”

Ace rolled his eyes at me. “just get your ass in the room and go change. ” A small grin escaped my lips. He looked so impatient. I had him annoyed as if I was a little child. But I like that I was making him run out of his patience but maybe I shouldn't test him too much.

“Sooooo where do I go,” I questioned with a sweet innocent smile. He guided me to the room and once he closed the door I took off my clothes and went straight to bathe.

The water felt so nice and I no longer felt as if I was in a freezer. Once I was done I went out and I saw an outfit laid out on the bed so I'm guessing I have to wear it.

“you've got to be kidding me,” I grumbled to myself as my zipper was stuck in the silk of my dress which made me unable to zip it up.

I groaned and looked around for Ace. He's an asshole and he absolutely hates me but he would've help. I can't ask Grayson, he's a fucking psycho.

I grabbed a phone that was lying on Axel's bed. At first, I was confused since Axel always has his phone with him. Its important that he does since he's the leader and he has to be the one to make sure that there aren't any threats or problems

But why was I thinking of all this. I grabbed the phone and I scrolled through and found Zade's number. All I needed right now was him to help me.

He's the only Serpent that I liked besides my brother. I waited for an answer while swearing. The phone picked up but I didn't expect it to be Axel.

“Hmm?” his hoarse voice spoke and I immediately got angry. “ You motherfucker. You almost killed me.”

“You did the same, didn't you. Suck it up, princess,” he signed. Why the fuck was he still calling me princess or love when he clearly showed me how much he hated me, unless that's just his type of crazy. God he was so confusing and part of that was freaky but I didn't question it.

“Why are you on Zade's phone. I dialed his number and you answered,” I questioned.

“Zade got high last night and he's sleeping. It's my job as the leader to take care of everything when anything happens. I took his phone but don't worry he won't cry,” he muttered.

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