Chapter 56: CELL

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Ace helped me that day when the asshole had me bleeding out. I don't even know why Ace helped me, he hated me then again he probably only did it cause he wants me to get tortured.

Ace wants me to face Axel's wrath for trying to kill him. I had to stare at these fucking walls. Nothing to do, feeling weak and Axel getting that power.

I punched the wall until my knuckles were bleeding. I began checking the days ever since I've been in here. Today will make it a week. Trapped in this fucking cell like a fucking prisoner.

With no food, no water. My body aches, I am in pain from hitting the wall and when Axel used that dagger on me. I can barely stand.

There was just a small light in this room. It barely shined brightly. For a while I tried to annoy him by swearing loudly, screaming and trying to escape but nothing worked.

He just never came. It was no use, I have gotten more weak and I can't try it again. All I know is that I'll fucking kill Axel for this. He wanted an enemy, fine, now I'm his enemy.

He'll get a fucking war. I was accustomed to being lonely so this wasn't hard to handle. I basically took care of myself but I was exhausted.

I hated him for having me as a prisoner but mostly I hate myself for not seeing this coming. I hate myself for not being able to get out and not being able to do something about it.

I am Nightmare Queen. Its time I fight back. Once I get out of here, I won't stop until he's dead. I sit on the mattress with my head against the wall. I have also been wondering why at least Zade didn't try getting me out but then again, he had his own shit to deal with.

He probably didn't even know that I was a prisoner but what I was more concerned about is that I told Zade about what Devin did to me, the night right before Axel put me here.

Did he tell anyone else? Will he keep it a secret. I heard something about Axel watching the video and saw Zade and I hugging but somehow our conversation got cut out. It was like the audio of what we said got lost. Which is weird.

I heard faint footsteps coming towards this room. “Should I be concerned about why you have a knife in your hand,” I said with a smirk. He held it out in the light so that I could see. It was a dagger not a knife.

“Its my dagger actually, and no, you shouldn't,” he replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him. I'm not an asshole, I have a lot of daggers myself, so if he wasn't being such a dick then he could've showed it to me in the first place, and I would've said dagger instead of knife.

He walked closer to me, all I saw in his eyes was the hatred that he had for me. He looked down at me and saw my knuckles. He chuckled," I see that you've been keeping busy, love.”

“Don't call me "love" you fucking asshole or I'll kill you with your own dagger,” I spat out which made him grin more.

“Fine,” he shrugged. I knew that he wasn't done when I saw the devilish smile on his face. "Love,” he added. I got up from the mattress, still weak but I wasn't going to let him think that he won.

I walked up in his face. He grabbed my hand and placed the dagger in it. “ Do it, for all I care but you'll never get Devin.”

I held it in my hands as I contemplated. "Good then stop wasting my time, I have things that I much rather be doing so are you done,” he hissed and that's what triggered me.

I stabbed him with the dagger and he placed his hand on his chest where the dagger had stabbed. “ why'd you stab me there, weren't you planning on killing me.”

I looked at him as I pulled out the dagger from him. “I'll kill you when I want to.” He began laughing, he was always a fucking psycho.

“keep telling yourself that love, you could've kill me but you still didn't.” he had a dramatic paused but his lips turned back into a smile," your turn.”


I grabbed her and the dagger dropped to the floor. She began pushing and trying to get herself out of my arms but she was still very weak.

I then dropped her right in. I looked down at her as she began struggling. She looked pretty while fighting for her life, I am not going to lie.

I was planning on helping her but then why would I. She started it and to think that I was going to let her come out of the cell today, I mean I was going to poison her since I was planning on giving her breakfast but I can still do that later.

Right now I need to clean myself up. She is weak from not eating and stuff but I'm sure that she can help herself, she is a fighter after all. If she dies then oh well.

"Fight for your life, I'm sure that you don't want to die like this,” I yelled down at her. I wonder if she heard me, I can't tell since she's not speaking back to me.

I guess I'll find out once she's found alive. I left with a smile on my face and walked to my room. I sat on my bed as I began swinging my foot back and forth. This is so exciting, I wonder if she'll live or not.

I began tending to the stab wound. Why the fuck did she do that. I wanted to be nice to her, well besides from the fact that she would've been poisoned if she ate the breakfast that I had prepared for her, but that's not really that bad. I've done worse.

Axel walked into my room and he grinned," Oh, tough shit.”

I rolled my eyes at him,"Piss her off and she might not call you Grayson again.”

“And I wouldn't care,” he shrugged. Ace walked into the room looking at me with those same "what the fuck is wrong with you" eyes.

“Hello brother,” I welcomed him but he immediately shut me off, which really hurt my feelings. I smiled to myself as I pretend to be genuinely sad. “ why the fuck is Sofia soaking wet and breathing heavily as if she was dying.”

Axel looked to me as he laughed. He'd always be the psychopath to have my back even when what we do is fucked up. His craziness always matched mines. We were both crazy but sometimes I get concerned that he's my brother.

“She stabbed me first,” I pout. He rolled his eyes getting tired of my shit. “Anyways when you see her, tell her to get dressed and meet me for breakfast.”

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