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Axel dropped me off at my mansion. I didn't bother to ask him how he knew where I lived since Damon probably told him. I entered my room and everything was dark.

I felt a bag going over my head. I tried pulling away put eventually I fainted. I woke up in a car trunk. I tried my best to get free from the chains but it was no use. I knew that I had to find a way to get out of here. I started screaming and I heard a husky voice say,“You better stop screaming. ”

I wasn't going to let this person speak to me like that so I replied,“ make me.”The car drove for hours until we finally stopped. I felt someone pull me out of the truck and carried me inside a house, I guess or maybe in a forest. I don't know where I am and I can't see shit through the blindfold. He whispered in my ear,“was that a challenge. ” he remembered that I snapped back at him earlier.

“Maybe---.” he cut me off and said,“ Are you sure you want to challenge me.”

I listened to see if I could hear any noise but wherever I was there had no sound. I noticed that I was in a mansion. It was huge and I knew that it was a mansion since I'm accustomed to being in one and I just felt as if I was in a mansion. When the blindfold came off,  I was placed on a chair with duck tape on my mouth. It felt as if I was in an attic.

A tall figure towered over me. It was dark and I couldn't see the persons face since he had on a black mask with hints of red that trailed down as if it were tears. “You're beautiful,” his voice echoed in the room. It made no sense of trying to fight since I couldn't get out so I sat there with no response.

He took the duck tape off my mouth and I snapped back,“Release me asshole or you'll be sorry.” He placed his finger on my lips for me to stop talking. “You want to know who I am. I'm your stalker,” his husky voice stated.

“I was obsessed with you. That's why you're here,” he continued. I was so confused. How did I get kidnapped and how did I not know where I was. I tried my best to think but I couldn't.

I showed no sign of fear and he noticed it and asked,“why aren't you scared.”

I murmured, “Well you see....” then placed my hand that were behind my back to the front. He backed away probably wondering how I got my hands off the chain. I continued, “ You should be the one that's scared.”

1 year ago.....

I was 17 and my parents were dead already. My birthday is the same day as The Night Of The Serpent so I never celebrated it at least not the way that I want to but a few weeks later is when Devin kidnapped me. I was only seventeen. I got out sooner than I thought. When my parents died when I was 16 a part of me was happy that they were dead while the other was sad that I never been loved.

I was forced to become a evil person. That was the whole point of why I was kidnapped in the first place. Did I hate it... Yes but also No. I never did anything to anyone innocent but I had no choice in becoming the person that I am now.

I don't regret that I've changed because now people will know not to test me. After my parents died, the leaders of the mafia that they worked under wanted me. I tried running but somehow always got found.

It was very secretive so no one knew that I had no choice and I am sure that no one knew that they were after me. I was forced to become their slave, their puppet that only they had the strings to pull.

I would never forget how my life was. It was hell.  When I got out. I was only seventeen when I became Nightmare Queen and then I turned eighteen on October 13th and that's when I tried to mess with Axel on his night.

I was untraceable and I got my revenge on the people who deserved to die.


I got off my chair and looked at him. Standing in front of him without any fear. Both of us pointing guns at each other. “I never knew that you were like this, little nightmare,” he muttered. He continued, “ I mean everyone thought that you were quiet.”

A smile grew on my face knowing that I had kept myself hidden without anyone finding out. I walked closer to him,“What a surprise huh.” A smirked appeared on my face as I continued, “ Guess you don't know me well as you thought you did, your stalking wasn't good enough. ”

“Shy girls..  They're always the most craziest,” I mumbled then walked by his ear,“ Am I right.”

A smirk appeared on his face. He came in front of me, my gun still pointed at him as he lowered his gun. He pulled me closer to him,“Enemies to lovers,” he whispered then moved a strand of my hair and placed it behind my ear,“ is this what it is about,” he continued.

“More like this,” I said while pointing the gun at him. I pulled him in closer and he wanted to kiss me but he wasn't prepared for what was next.

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