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I smiled as I saw the dagger that was on the table near the bed. I got off the bed and took it back to the bed. I covered myself back up with the sheets. This needs to end and if Axel thinks that he's won and that he has me wrapped around his finger, then he's so fucking wrong.

I closed my eyes and waited. I smiled to the inside when I heard the sound of the door. I knew that it was him. He always had this specific scent. It was hot but thats not the point right now.

I felt the covers being pulled down and thats when I pulled out the dagger and without thinking twice, I placed it at his heart. He looked down at me as I sat up on the bed, with the dagger still pointed towards him. A smile formed on his face and fuck did it look good.

His gray eyes filled with lust, anger and some form of liking for me. I know he doesn't love me, he can't. I'm not lovable. He probably just liked me. I go down his body with the dagger. "where should I stab you."

He grinned and without hesitation he grabbed my hand. Using his hand to guide mine. He stopped my hand right at his neck. "Damn baby, haven't I told you how hot you look when you threaten me."

I was stuck there without a word. I just kept quiet and looked into his eyes. "You fucking psycho." He laughed out as if I made a joke. "I thought that you loved me psycho babe."

"Don't call me babe," I growled and the blade hit his neck making blood fall out. It was a minor cut, nothing serious. "that's fine, I know that you would much rather be called Mrs. Ford," he winked.

"what happened to you saying that you hate me? what happened to the fact that I tried to kill you and that I'd do it again? why don't you just stab me or something because you say you hate me, then prove it?"

Before I could say another word, I felt immense pain. I looked down to see that he stabbed me. It was a minor one. He stabbed me in a way where he knew that it would pain but I wouldn't die. "you stabbed me," I hissed. I heard the sound of a knife drop. I looked down and saw that there was blood coated on it. My blood. The same knife that he stabbed me with.

"anything for you, babe. Just ask and I'll do it," he smirked. Fucking crazy, that's what he is. "you are so fucking crazy. you stabbed me because I asked. you fucking bitch."

He brought his lips near my ears. I could feel his breaths brushing against my skin. "I'll fuck that attitude out of you," he whispered but fuck was it hot. I dropped the dagger and pushed him off. I got off the bed, trying to make it to the door to leave his room, but of course he made it there first.

"you tried to fucking kill me," I yelled. He pushed me against the wall, using his hands over me, to cage me right where he wanted me. "did that hurt you, little nightmare."

"I hate you,"I yelled staright at him. "I hate you more, little nightmare," he muttered back and before I knew it, his lips smashed into mine, but I didn't pull away. Why didn't I fucking pull away.

Axel wasted no time as he pushed me against the wall, our breaths getting heavier. He looked down at me and his eyes spoke to me, telling me just how much he wanted me right now. Those fucking gray eyes, always making it hard for me to do anything.

This wasn't going to be slow and passionate. We wanted a quick fuck. He ripped off my clothes and before I could even breathe, his dick slammed inside me. I screamed as my pussy clenched around him.

I was so fucking wet and Axel knew that I would be, as he taunted me with his words,"do you always get so soaked by just hearing my voice."

My blood was going all over Axel's body which seemed to turn him on even more. My legs wrapped around him as he pounded in me making my back hit the wall. "if you don't fucking want me..if you don't need me, Sofia," he murmured. "Just pretend."

"even someone like me shouldn't have to fucking feel this amount of pain," he whispered. I couldn't reply to him when he began going faster and faster. My eyes closed shut while he thrusted in me. I began feeling light headed and I remembered that I was still bleeding and I was losing blood. I was so close, I was tightening around him. I let out a scream as I grabbed onto Axel's back, my nails piercing his skin as I digged him.

He gave a few more thrust and I felt him spill inside me. My eyes finally opened out and I saw him staring at me as if I was the most precious thing in this world, as if I was his world.

He slipped free out of me as he quickly threw on his joggers. He walked off and I waked towards the bed before I could faint on the floor. Axel left the room but came back as quick as when he left. He sat next to me and began dressing the stab wound that he gave me.

He said nothing and we acted as if we didn't just had angry sex. He just stayed silent as he gently took care of me. A fucking serpent has some sweet sides, most of the times he won't be like this and I knew it. He was always wild and crazy, He was great just the way he is. His craziness matched mine, but moments like these were also mesmerzing.

I just looked at him while he took care of me.

HIS OBSESSION (18+)Where stories live. Discover now