Chapter 52: KIDNAPPER

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This whole shit would've never happened if it weren't for Sofia. I know my brother is still alive because I am not stupid. She will see for herself. She just woke up and I'm sure that she was seeing blurry. I sat across the room watching her as she realized that she'd been kidnapped.

"Hi, Nightmare Queen," I murmured. She was silent not knowing what to say especially since she wasn't sure who took her so I made it easier on her. I walked towards her so that she could see my face.

"You know? God...Axel told you," she replied but I gave out a laugh which confused her. "No..I figured it out. Don't take my quietness as a weakness."

"Zade also knows but he found out way after me. He also found out on his own so Damon and Grayson are still the clueless ones."

Looks like she can finally see a bit clearer since she pulled a middle finger in the air. "Don't make me break that finger little queen," I hissed.

"Revenge won't make anything change," I added. I know that she wanted revenge on Devin because it is so clear. Why the fuck would you continue going after someone if it wasn't for revenge. "I know," she yelled.

"Then why are you breaking apart the serpents." She shot me an unimpressed look and shrugged,"I'm not."

"Axel was ready to choose you over us."

I don't know where he is right now but I know Axel after all we are brothers and I know damn well that he would choose her over us. "That is not my fault. I don't want him to choose me," she argued.

"I got revenge and I still feel the same so what made you think that you will feel better," I say changing the topic. I made people pay once they thought they could hurt me but that doesn't mean that after you get revenge that everything will magically be better.

"I know that it won't change anything I just rather him dead," she growled.

"Believe it or not you are breaking us up."

"It's not like you care, you barely talk to them. You're always to yourself," she muttered.

They are my family and she is going to take that from me
"Do you know what it feels like to be captured and tortured and you want to die," she cried out. I have never seen her cry.

I do. I didn't expect her to understand me so much. I know exactly what that felt like. I feel like I want to die most of the time.


He let me go. Why did he trust me to tell me his story. Before I didn't understand what it felt like and I thought that no one would understand but I was wrong.

He gave me a dagger to release myself and by the time I got out of the ropes he was already gone. I wish I could give him a hug. I already made a promise to him and now that it's done, I wonder why I did it in the first place. One thing's for sure, I never go back on my word.

Hi little nightmare - A

As soon as I saw that message I knew that Axel was alive. Did he take Devin.

I can see you - A

I looked around after feeling like I was being watched but it was really no use since there were so many trees you could barely see anything else.

That dress is so tight on you love -A

Where are you - S

I had no time for his games. I could've finished everything today but again he ruined it.

Meet me at my mansion - A


Ace should've really chosen a better place to keep someone after kidnapping them. It took a whole three hour drive just to finally reach Axel's mansion.

I opened the door and shout out his name. "There you are love," he says coming down the stairs. I pull out my dagger and walked up to him placing it to his neck. "Do it again love. You always looked good with a dagger," he grinned.

He walked away and I followed. "Where is Devin," I questioned but I was quickly stopped when he pushed me into the pool.  His smirk got me more aggravated. He did that because I tried to kill him. He should really let it go, it's not like he died."You dick," I growled.

"So that's what you want from me. You should've just say so," he chuckled. "You know you can get it whenever you want."

A half smile plastered his face as I watch my dagger sink to the bottom of the pool. I raise up and my clothes stick to my body like glue. The water soaked through my hair.

I pulled out the dress and before I knew it Axel grabbed me pushing me against the wall. My breathes picked up paste. The tension that we still had even though I thought I killed him.

He clearly didn't take a hint. I stabbed and shot him several times..I even slapped him yet he still wanted me. No wonder he always gets hurt. He keeps coming back instead of realizing that even though we had sex doesn't mean that I will just fall for him and forget the things that are more important. Power.

"Where is he," I mumbled as his breathe hit my neck and my stomach became full of something. I didn't even know what but he didn't even touch me yet I was breathing hard and I could barely stand.

"Look at the effect I have on you," he says as his lips gently brush against my skin.

"You don't," I argue as I pushed him off but his hand touched me on my bare stomach, I tremble a little as he placed me back to the wall. "You don't think I have an effect on you little nightmare," he grinned.

I knew he could feel when I trembled since my whole skin was out except the only thing I had on was a bra and a panty. "I always watch you. Whether you knew the whole time or not I don't give a fuck. I see what I do to you." His words sent chills throughout my body.

"What do you want," I managed to escape and his smirk made me realize before he said it himself,"You. I will use you as my personal toy."

I paused for a second and the room was filled with silence as though I was thinking about it for a second. "No," I blurted out and he calmly say,"I am not giving you an option love."

"I could kill you and your brothers easily and you know that you shouldn't test me."

"But you won't la mia obssessione," he said so assured but I snapped back,"What makes you so sure."

The confidence in his smile made me realize that he had something to say,"You still want Devin don't you. Kill me and I can assure you, you'll never find him."

Fuck... He is threatening me. For the first time in a long time I feel useless and without a plan. Ace was right why am I letting this drain me and drown me slowly.

I have been keeping this whole shit up for weeks just to kill one person. Its killing me slowly but I will be damned if Axel was the one to kill him and not me.

I have always been stubborn and Axel knew that. He was working on my weakness. He knew that when I am challenged I never back down. He was trying to manipulate me just like I did to him but I don't need to be manipulated to agree.

"What will I get in return," I turned to him.

"Pleasure, experience and Devin your prized possession," he replied. This had to be the stupidest thing I've ever done but I am not letting him win. "I do make you wet, don't I little nightmare," he says as he touched me to check.

Was I really doing this to get Devin or am I taking this opportunity to fuck Axel. It was just something he did to me that I couldn't resist even when I tried my hardest to fight it. I could kill him easily when he's far away but when he's close I want him to fuck me.

He took my chin between his fingers as I felt him cutting me with a knife,“I will not be sweet. I'll be the worse nightmare that you so much craved. Ever try to kill me again then I'll burn your whole world down. ”

This was his revenge. At first I thought that he was still foolish but after seeing the anger on his face, I knew that I was fucked. A Serpent never backs down and so do I. He's been delaying this for too long and now I've played with the Serpent so I'll get the fangs.

This was war. He has had enough of me pushing him and now he's finally ready to play only this time he's actually going to be cruel. He'll show me his dark side and he'll do his worse. I was the cause of it.

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