Chapter 38: AMUSED

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It has been 2 days since I saw Sofia after the whole dagger game. She totally wanted me. Damon and Adora left with Sofia. I am glad that he did that. I knew that he would do anything for her. I would never expect him to choice me over her. Hell I'd even chose her over my brothers.

“You have to get revenge Axel,” Grayson barged into my room. How could I. I can't take revenge on the girl that I love. “Why,”

“Axel you know what happened two days ago,” Axel argued back making me stand up in annoyance. I can't fucking think and Axel, Ace and Zade was not making it easier for me. “Everyone heard about it,” Ace joined in.

That's the worse part. After Sofia decided to show me affection by throwing her dagger at me... Well let's say it caused some trouble for me. I am feared. I am one of the five devils, my brothers, Zade and Damon are the other devils. I am the man that created the night of the serpent but she had all the power. I'd let her take it. She could control anything.  “And,” I sarcastically remarked.

“You know that they would think that they could stand up against you,” Zade made his opinion in the open. Now that's the fucking problem. After the dagger drama.. Let's just say rumors spread quickly. Its like a fire, easy to spread.

Everyone heard how a girl was able to throw a dagger at me. Of course I loved every second of it but nobody knew that... Everyone thinks that if a girl could do that then they can also try to do the same. “Trust me. I'll kill whoever thinks that they can ever go against me.”

“We liked her too but you have to kill her to remind everyone that you are the one that they should fear,” Ace murmured. I felt my chest closing in.. I knew I had to do it but could I really. Could I watch the girl I love.. die.

“Damon chose her over you,” Axel's jaw clenched.

I have to get revenge. I have to let everyone remember that I am feared. I made my move, besides I'd rather be anywhere than here with my brothers and Zade.

She could be anywhere. I have no clue where she went. I drove around for hours. I even stopped at her mansion but she wasn't there. Knowing Damon he probably took her somewhere else to stay but I also know Sofia. The Sofia I know would never back down and she definitely will not stay hiding.

My phone buzzed again but I just turned it off. My brothers had been calling since I left. I parked my car, trying to get my head straight. I need to fucking think and that's when I saw her walking into a church.

What was she doing. I followed shortly after to see her standing looking at a guy on the chair. I walked up to her and I guess that she sensed that I was behind her. “Everyone is afraid of you. They would bow down to you as if you're some king but me... I don't care who you are. I am not interested in you or your bullshit,” she mumbled.

I didn't utter a word. She aggravated me but at the same time I loved when she argued with me. “Once you're in my way.. I will not hesitate to kill you,” she added.

I was proud of her. She knew that she could have anyone on their knees for her and she could humble anyone. The guy that sat on the chair turned around to see us. It was Devin. Hmmm, now it makes sense. She's here to kill him.

“Nice to see you Mr Ford,” Devin said but I quickly ended him,“Fuck you.”

“Why is he here. Wait don't tell me that you're his girlfriend,” Devin questioned Sofia. I allowed her to take the lead. I knew that she'd never let any man talk to her as if she was some baby who couldn't handle herself.

“No... He's my puppet. I tell him what to do and he does it,” she replied to him while shooting me a look.

I grinned as I walked up to her. “Ask me to fuck you and I'll do it,” I whispered in her ear. Sofia decided to be a little brat,“ I rather fuck your brother. ”

So would she fuck me or not. She's impossible to understand but there's nothing that I can't solve. I like a challenge. I like to outsmart the impossible. While I was busy thinking if she'd fuck me or not I realised that she didn't kill Devin yet. “There he is. Well what are you waiting for, kill him.”

“I'm not killing him in here Axel,” Sofia replied while turning her attention to me. What does she mean. He is literally right there. It is a perfect opportunity. “why.”

“because,”---- she was about to finish her sentence until I  continued,“Because we're in a church.”

“Yea,” she scoffed. I let out a laugh and she slapped me across my face. She hated that I wasn't taking her seriously but how could I. “Look pretend that we're in a zoo.”

“But there aren't any animals,” she replied. I smirked knowing exactly what to say,“Yea there is and he's sitting right there.”

She turned around to see that he wasn't sitting there anymore. Where did he go. “ You let him get away,” she yelled. Shit... I didn't see that he got away. We were too caught up in the conversation. I did defend myself..  I mean I can't take the blame,“ Not my fault. I told you to kill him. He would've been dead on the chair.”

“Not in the church Axel,” she argued.

“Why is he praying anyway? He's going to hell either way,” I tried proving my point.

Sofia was short tempered and in many ways she reminded me of myself. She had enough of the conversation plus Devin escaped so she was ready to leave but not if I can help it,“ where are you going little nightmare,” I said while pulling out my gun.

A smile appeared on her face. She wasn't afraid. “Don't make me your enemy Axel,” she growled.

“Do you find all this amusing,” I asked. I watched as she stepped closer to my gun. “A little,” she smiled.

“Little nightmare I think its time you back down.” Judging from the smirk on her face I knew that she had something to say. “You know that I won't do that,” she responded.

“You're causing trouble for me love.” The rumors are everywhere so I'm sure that she heard the mess that she created. “I know.. Maybe next time you should know not to get in my way,” she sassed.

“Well you'd be dead so there won't be a next time,” I hissed.

She walked up closer, she made sure that the gun was touching her head. “Really. Who's gonna kill me,” she sarcastically said.

“Me.” She burst into laughter after hearing my response.
“Good one Axel. I'll see you soon,” she whispered but not before cutting me with her dagger. How the fuck did I not see that coming. “So much for not wanting to kill at a church,” I growled.

“I didn't kill. You're not death,” she sarcastically remarked.

She started walking off after successfully injuring me again. “I will find you,” I yelled.

“I think you forgot who stalked who. I always knew that you were there so don't ever think that you can scare me,” Sofia warned.

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