Chapter 20: ASHAMED

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Damon and I woke up early and I got all my things packed.

We sold the mansion. We had too many bad memories here but we have plenty money so it didn't matter that we sold the mansion. I did keep a few of my cars. He had his own mansion in Axels private area and I have one of my own.

After the shit that happened last night, Damon stayed up late and bought a mansion for me. I think that was a good decision. Moving is a good idea. Whoever was stalking me would be safe from me killing them.

Damon got the whole place ready for me. He already carried most of my stuff. It was a new city and a new start. The only thing that would be tiring was that when I arrive at my new place, I would have to pack and organize everything.

He carried the boxes so I am going to get the work done as soon as I arrive. Damon gave me the address and I went by myself since he had things to do. It was beautiful but much bigger than the mansion that I was living in before. It is going to be really lonely since I don't know anyone here but I should be able to make friends quickly.

I opened the door and it was clean. Everything packed and no boxes anywhere. I didn't unpack them but I guess Damon probably wanted to surprise me. Everything was organized just the way that I liked it. Damon and I weren't close but I guess we have the same taste in decorating because he did an excellent job.

I pulled out my phone and dialed his number since I wanted to thank him but it went straight to voice mail. I'll call him later. I packed the rest of the stuff that I brought with me.

I sat on the couch just relaxing after doing some packing when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and there I saw a guard. “Hi Miss Torres. I'm here if you need anything but there are also other guards in case I'm unreachable,” he said.

Damon probably sent them. I was in the city and there were many places near me but where the location of the mansion was in a distance from the city. There were lots of lands and plenty tress so there's no where else to go. The good thing is that my mansion wasn't the only one here, there was also another one and it was right near mines. It was across from mines. “Who's living there,” I questioned.

“A man,” he responded. The guard continued “He is a busy person so I'm sure that you wouldn't be able to meet him.”

The guys mansion was bigger than mines. I honestly thought that there were several people living there but I guess its just him. I will be lonely since the guy is always busy.


I have been in this new city for a week and I didn't make any friends yet but I hope that I will soon. I have barely been at my mansion. Most of the time I have been checking out the city.

At first it was nice but then after a few days I felt as if I was being watched but maybe I was overreacting. Since I moved into this mansion I haven't looked at the rooms since I was enthusiastic about looking at the city but today I decide to look at the rooms in the mansion.

I went through each one of them until I saw an unknown room. Damon never mentioned this room. I didn't even know that this room was in here. I opened the door and the room was pitch black. I walked into the room trying to look for a light but then I felt cold hands wrapped around me.

The person had rings on since the rings were cold and tightly around my waist. The hands moved up and covered my mouth. In a second I found myself pinned against a wall but it was pitch black so I couldn't see anything. “Aren't you going to thank me for packing all the things for you, little nightmare,” a dark husky voice echoed through the room.

“How did you find me.. How did you know where I live.” my body was touching his but I still couldn't see his face.
His presence is dark, dangerous and seemingly alluring. His face came closer to mines and I could see his eyes. They were gray and it kind of reminded me of Axel but its not Axel. Damon said so himself.

He cocked his head to the side and I could see his smile and it was beautiful. He was beautiful. But why was he stalking me. Why the fuck was I attracted to this person. I always liked playing with fire. I love danger, it kind of turned me on but this... This is different, I shouldn't like him. I'm just confused, that's all.

“I couldn't stay away from you. Even if I tried, little nightmare,” his hot breathe brushed against my face. I began to tremble and my palms were sweaty. “What do you want,” I trembled.

I started breathing heavier and his face came closer to mines. My knees began shaking as he passed his hand through my hair, then placing the strands behind my ear. He had a signature smell but I couldn't tell what it was. It was like a Cologne but at the same time like something else that I couldn't figure out.

He then concentrated on my face. He lifted my chin up and my eyes were glued on him. “You. I want you, little nightmare,” he says flexing his jaw.

He came down closer making my back hit against the wall as he whispered “If I see you with any other man. If I see anyone trying to flirt or touch you.” he continued, “I'll kill them.”

I froze as all the hair on my body stood and I tried to catch my breathe. His hands wrapped around my throat, tight enough to hold me in that position but not tight enough to hurt me.

I grabbed his hand that was around my neck. I stared into his eyes, shamefully turned on by the danger. He grinned down at me and his eyes glaring at me as I nod my head. “Good girl,” he murmured as I got turned on with his words. I was ashamed that I was liking the danger.

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