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He wasn't part of my plan. I was meant to kill him but when I looked at his gray eyes I couldn't look back.



The word itself is power. If you can manipulate then you have power and power is greater than anything else in this world. I use covert manipulation. manipulation can be like a disease except without a cure, it's much more dangerous than any flu. Fear always works but you must win in silence...let them think they won. I never let anyone know my motives or my next move unless I want them to know.

I plan ahead and then I always know what to do. The sound of the thunder rolling across the skies as people tremble with fear. It's like the power I know I have over people. I like thunder and lightning. The power it had and the fear it brought to people whenever it strikes. I could see the lightning from the distance as I sat by my window. Inside this mansion alone and in the dark. The only thing giving light to my room was the stars that barely shined. The dull light from the stars made me see the shadow that stood just across from my mansion.

It made me think to myself how parents tell their kids about the monsters under their bed and how they aren't real, but they are. The monsters aren't what you think. They're not vampires, wolves or zombies they're fucking humans who hide under masks. Humans are monsters and the thing is that not all monsters have scars and secret powers, there are other things in which the people of this city fear and that is The Serpents otherwise known as the five devils.

These monsters hide behind loved ones, friends and even pretty faces. The Serpents always want something and when they do they intend on getting it. The Serpents will go all the way and stop at nothing to get what they want. That is the kind of power they have.  They hold onto that power and use it.

They are known everywhere and no one would ever want to cross parts with any of them especially the leader. A small smirk appeared on my face as I looked out the window pretended to be afraid. Being a good person is absolute bullshit. We all have demons and we need to fucking own them. The easiest people are always the targets. It's always the ones with the big hearts and small minds that are easy to manipulate but I like a challenge. The ones that think they're tough are my preys. Using people as my pawns are easy...they never expect it coming. He thinks that he's a manipulator but I guess he should think again. I play mind games so well. No one ever see through my lies.

Who's ever gonna think that a sweet innocent girl could manipulate. I pretend so well that you can't tell that I'm faking. There he stood watching me as he always would. I could barely see him but I knew that he could see me. I wished so much that he'd come closer like the time he was close. I was about to do exactly what I planned, but for at least five fucking minutes I just wanted to be listened to. What happened that night at the cemetery should've never happened.

The person that night wasn't me. When I aim I never miss. The person that night was what I became. He would never think for once that the person that night was me and why would he? He thinks that I am a rebel after what happened to my parents but mostly he thinks that I am a sweet innocent girl. He thinks that it's all fun and thrill to stalk a girl but if he only came closer then I'd pull my dagger to his throat. I missed my opportunity that night because I felt something that I never felt before but this time I'd love to see fear in his eyes just like all my victims.

From this window, I could see the city and all the pretence that flows with it. There is one thing that makes my blood boil and that is perfection. There is no such thing as perfection. Everyone no matter how perfect they think their life is.. no one can stop heartbreak and numbness. Everyone is broken inside but won't admit it. Axel Ford is the definition of broken. Then again I am broken too but won't admit it. Love will fuck you up more than drugs ever will which is why you should never love.

I rolled my eyes as he looked at me once more from the distance then left. Back to the one should be able to see it coming not even him and I'm sure he'd be surprise to see how I'm not what he expected.

Everything comes with a price and I knew what I was getting myself into. I will have countless enemies and I'll have to watch my back because danger is always lurking. That's something that no one can run away from.

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