Chapter 22: FIGURE

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After seeing his note I texted him just wanting to know more. If I get even a hint then I could figure out who the person was.

Who are you. - Sofia

Your secret admirer, little nightmare - he typed back.

Fuck you - sofia

Is that a threat or a promise - stalker

What do you want - Sofia

You - stalker

Why - Sofia

Because you're mines, little nightmare - stalker

I still don't get it. I'm not special so why would he want me.

You love danger,little nightmare. But do you think that you could handle it all - Stalker

I don't know how to put this nicely so I won't. Fuck off - Sofia

That's it little nightmare. You're getting there - Stalker

I don't get it. What does he want. For me to change because I have and I'm not going back to the girl I was.

You're still scared - Stalker.

He knows it even if I act tough. Most of the time I pretend as if I don't know that I'm being watched. I didn't reply because part of me knew that it was true. I was afraid and then at times I felt brave and unstoppable.

I turned off my phone just incase he decided to message or call me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


It has to be Axel. Who else would it be. Since I woke up my mind had been on one thing and that was my stalker. I know that it can't be a coincidence. How does the stalker and Axel have the same eyes. I dialed Damon's number. I know that he was probably busy but I wanted to make sure.

I can't just blame Axel without being sure. "You live in the private area, don't you," I questioned.

"Yea baby Torres, are you drunk," his dark husky voice replied.

Why does he think that I'm drunk. Do I sound drunk.
"No, why," I replied feeling offended.

"Because you know I live there. I have my own mansion. I thought you were on crack but then I realised that its just your natural attitude," he murmured and I'm sure that he had a smirk on his face.

"Fuck you Damon," I said in a high pitched voice and I heard his grin from the phone. Its so amusing to him when I get angry.

I stayed quiet for a while. I forgot that Damon was still on the phone. How am I going to ask him about Axel. I don't want him to think that I like Axel but I was trying to find the best way possible to ask him. "Okay, what do you want," he murmured.

"Is Axel there." Why the fuck did I blurt it out like that. I officially made it sound so weird. "No, ford is not here...why," he said in a more concerned voice.

"Nothing." Should I tell him. This is just dumb. I am going to sound so stupid if I'm wrong. "Tell me ," he demanded.

"The guy that's stalking me has gray eyes just like Axel," I blurted out. At first there was complete and utter silence making me wonder if Damon thought that I'm weird for asking him about Axel. "It can't be him sof," he said confidently.

"How are you so sure," I questioned. Damon knew Axel well but still why do I get this feeling. "He is at Vincenzo's house," he said while sipping on something.

"Vincenzo is the mafia king of Italy," I mumbled but he heard me,"Yea."

"Okay," I murmured then I was about to end the call when Damon asked,"Wait, you're still getting stalked."

Shit. I didn't want him to know. After moving to the city, I never told Damon that I was still being stalked so he probably thought that the person stopped. "Yea," I said in a low tone.

"I'm coming now," he murmured. That's exactly why I didn't tell him. I don't want him to get involved. "No, I can handle myself."

"I couldn't protect you before but now I will," he replied in a protective tone. A tear fell from my eye. We aren't that close but we still care for each other. "No don't come, promise me."

"Fine, I trust you so I'll leave you but if you die I want the money," he giggled.

"Fuck you Damon," I smiled. Even though he wasn't with me, he still managed to get me to have a smile on my face.

"Bye baby Torres," he murmured before ending the call.

Well one things for sure. Its not Axel so who is it. I still need to figure it out.

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