Chapter 32: CLOSER

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I can't believe that I kissed him. I am never drinking that much again. I walked out of his room and he didn't follow me, that was strange but I went to another room. I took a bath then threw on a black pants, a pink crop top and a black jacket.

I walked out of the room because I had plans for today. While walking, I felt like I was being followed so I pulled out my dagger and turned around, the dagger touching Grayson's neck. "Why are you following me," I questioned.

"You know Axel hasn't had sex in 2 years," he smirked. My dagger was still touching his neck,"And why does that concern me Grayson."

Ace and Zade were behind him as I held my dagger in place. "I think he wants you but in the last 2 years you were only 16. And he would never fuck a child," he continued.

"I don't know if you think stalking and being obsessed is romantic. He can keep his dick to himself."

" Oohh. He stalked you. Sounds madly in love to me," Zade murmured. I honestly don't know if that's something normal for them or by Axel stalking me means that he loved me.

" 2 whole years of no sex. He hasn't lived in 2 years just because he wanted you," Grayson added.

I smiled since I knew exactly how to reply. " how would you know that he didn't have sex in 2 years... are you the one that sucks his dick at nights, then cuddles him afterwards."

" ooooh," Ace murmured and Damon came out of nowhere and joined in,"oh fuck Grayson, you messed with a Torres."

" I think that she'll do just fine with us," Zade murmured. "She's one of us now for sure," Ace smirked.

Damon walked off and I guess he probably went to see Adora. I think that she was still asleep after last nights drinking incident. I have to make my next move. I moved my dagger away from Grayson's neck and I was about to walk off to pay a visit to a certain person when Grayson stopped me," where are you going," he questioned.

"To meet someone."

"Who. Maybe we can help," Grayson added. I had no time for conversations right now,"None of your fucking business."

"Oh, come on don't be like that," he smirked but I just decided to tell him,"Fine. I'm going to meet Vincenzo."

"Well that's good because we're coming," Grayson smiled. Wait.. I knew that I shouldn't have told him."I didn't say that I want asses following me," I sassed.

"Look we know him. We worked for him about a few years now," Ace murmured. I didn't need anyone to come with me but since Ace asked then why not."Fine come along but I am doing whatever the fuck I want and nobody is to get in my way because if you do then I will chop off your balls," I replied.

"Don't really need it either way," Grayson growled.

"Fuck off," I stated. Zade, Ace, Grayson and I got into one of Axel's cars. I took the key without him knowing, he should honestly find another place to hide them.

I was driving. Ace sat in the passenger seat while Grayson and Zade sat in the back. "I see that you all found back your chain."

"Yeah, someone stole it from us," Zade murmured to which I replied,"The person who did that was probably feeling in the mood to get on peoples nerves."

We pulled up at Vincenzo's mansion and guards were at the gates of his private property. His mansion was huge. He had a lot of guards since he is the biggest mafia leader in the world.

The guards opened the gates but didn't allow us in. About 7 guards came up to the car and saw Ace and Grayson in the car but didn't want me to come in. Ace and Grayson work for Vincenzo so I knew that he trusted them.

I guess we have a problem then. I am not letting anyone tell me what to do. I got out of the car and I killed them. The guys were in shock not expecting me to do that. I drove in and parked the car.

As soon as I walked in, Vincenzo came to the door. I guess that he heard the gun shots. He saw Ace and Grayson who were standing behind me and he questioned them,"I heard gunshots, who did that."

"That would be her," Grayson replied. Vincenzo pulled out his gun and all I did was smile,"I suggest you place your gun down now."

"Just do it," Ace murmured to Vincenzo.

I walked into his house and they followed behind. "What do you want," he asked while closing his office door once we were all in there. "Do you know where Devin is."

"He has been in hiding but I know where he'll be," Vincenzo replied.

Finally I could kill Devin. He was the mafia leader that kidnapped me. "Okay tell me."

Vincenzo told me everything that I needed to know. I was closer to finishing everything and I will kill him when I find him. I opened Vincenzo's office door since I was about to leave but Damon and Axel were standing right there. Vincenzo pulled out his gun pointing it at me.
"What are you doing here Ford," Vincenzo growled.

"Came to collect something," Axel smirked then pulled out his gun aiming it at Vincenzo. “I dare you to hurt her and I'll put a bullet in your brain. You know I don't miss,” he added. Damon and Zade pulled out their gun pointing it at Vincenzo as well. Eventually Ace and Grayson did the same.

Even though they were working for Vincenzo they chose me over him. I didn't need protecting, though. Once you're important to them then they'll protect you with their life and I guess to Ace, Grayson, Zade, Damon and Axel..  I was important and I was apart of the family.

"She killed 7 of my men," he said in an aggravated tone to which I replied,"8 actually."

"Yeah well I guess they weren't doing their job properly then," Axel snapped at Vincenzo.

"Fuck off Axel," Vincenzo growled. I could tell that Vincenzo didn't like Axel much. I walked off and the guys followed I could hear the footsteps of someone running to me. His breathes became heavier and he walked besides me. “Do you have anything to say for yourself. You killed his guards,” he muttered.

“I actually do,” I smiled to which he added,“Go ahead.”

“Oopps,” I smiled. The guys were walking in the back while Axel walked besides me. "You look good in pink," he whispered.

"I don't know why I wore it in the first place."

"Oh, you know why you wore it la mia ossessione," he smiled probably remembering the past but I played dumb,"I don't know what you're talking about."

Why the fuck did I wear this. I shouldn't have done it but I did. I wore it for him... That was the same thing I did that night. I was on my motorbike going as fast as I could as he followed me behind. That day and this day was different but in a way the same. I wanted him to know me and look at me even though I had on my mask that night striking because I am Nightmare Queen and that was exactly what he was doing when he saw me in the pink today, Looking at me and wanting to know more just as he did a year ago.

I was always a mystery to him.

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