Chapter 40: PAWN

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She's always one step ahead of me. I should've known that she'd cut me with her dagger. She had many opportunities to kill me but yet she didn't do it. That has to be a sign. She does indeed like me. Why else would she cut but not kill me.

I took care of the cut before I could return to my mansion. I know how the guys would react if they saw me bleeding.

I heard music playing as I returned. Don't tell me that they're partying. I opened the door to see a few people dancing with drinks in their hands and Loud music playing.

I spotted Axel and I walked to the table where Ace and Zade were also sitting by. Zade had some girl sitting on his lap while whispering in her ear. Ace was drinking while his eyes were tracing at several girls in the crowd. Its honestly hard to tell if he liked someone or not.. He is so fucking silent most of the time making me wonder what's going on in his mind.

Axel on the other hand was sitting quietly with a drink in his hand. I knew that he was probably planning some shit in his head because whenever Axel is silent then something is wrong. He is the type of guy that always like to give his opinion, I am the same so I would know that once Axel is quiet then he is planning something but I'm not worried because I'm sure he's going to tell me his plan soon.

“Where have you been,” Ace questioned while still staring at the crowd. I sat next to Axel without replying to Ace. I could lie to them but I didn't feel like making up an excuse so I just ignored him.

“I see you have another cut ,” Axel murmured. How the fuck did he notice it so quick. Zade whispered something to the girl and she left. “ Let me guess.. You ran into someone along the way,” Zade smirked.

"Yeah your mother. She told me to come by anytime I want,” I replied. Ace and Axel grinned at my comment. “She is always one step ahead of you Axel.. I think you're losing your touch,” Ace murmured.

I never lost my touch, I fell in love. Not with her body, not with her looks.. I fell in love with the person that she was. I still love her for the person she became. Broken, insecure, short- tempered... I loved her just the way she is.

“You know that I'll never lose my touch Ace,” I grinned. I know the guys couldn't wait until The Night Of The Serpent. They craved the thrill and the fun but I enjoyed it too. They liked seeing fear in peoples eyes but mostly they'd enjoy the party that I'd throw after we wrecked havoc. I usually throw it at one of my buildings. There were many doors there. I actually carried Sofia to that building once when she got her first tattoo.

They waited every year just for October 13th but that's months away so they'll have to be patient.

Sofia was probably home by now so why not stop by.  Besides I rather see her than stay here at this boring party.

I reached just on time. Damon and Adora were going out so that means that Sofia is home alone. I sneaked in and she locked her bedroom door. I was confused. Why did she lock her door when she's home alone. I heard Soft moans escaped from the room.

I had to see her. I have a key to her door so I opened it without thinking twice. "Fuck," she whimpered as she bit her lip. I was getting turned on by watching her. I saw her eyes opening so I hid. It looked as if her heart skipped her beat.

She looked at the doorway and she saw no one so she ignored it. She couldn't stop. She shut her eyes closed forgetting that her door was opened.
"Ooh," she moaned. She grabbed onto a pillow and she started grinding on it. She went faster and faster until she knew that she needed to come.

I was losing my control. I was in the corner of her room but I couldn't control myself. I pulled my cock out of my pants. I wondered if she was thinking of me or if she was pretending that it was my fingers inside of her.

I looked at her grinding on the pillow and my hand fisted my dick at the root. I leaned against the wall with my free hand and tried not to fucking come on the spot.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath as I watched her, giving my shaft one violent stroke. "Sofia," my voice managed to escape.

“I wished I was pushing my way inside her while she wrapped her legs around me and breathed my name against my lips.." Looking at her made me weak. I was thinking and feeling this way about her but wouldn't admit it in front of her. I did a few hard, vicious strokes. I wouldn't last. I couldn't. I wrote a note on a paper and I left her mansion.


I am going to be using Axel like a little pawn in my game. He followed me wherever I went so it doesn't matter if I play along. He might think that I'm starting to like him when that would be far from the truth.

Damon and Adora didn't come back last night so I am guessing that they decided to spend some time alone. It was actually a good thing since I didn't need to sneak out, I could just walk out the front door.

“Good morning little nightmare,” Axel murmured as he stood in front my door. I knew that he would come after me. Fuck... That also reminded me that he was here last night and he saw me. “Go ahead.”

“If you're not doing it then get in the fucking car,” I added. I moved passed him until I fell. “Little nightmare, you're falling for me,” he muttered.

I got up from the ground with anger. I pushed him down and I growled,“I didn't fall for you, you fucking tripped me.”

Axel stopped at the door. Is he not coming. I looked back at him and he murmured,“ You're in a bad mood.”

“You caused it,” I sassed.

“Well I'm going to fix it,” he smirked. This should be interesting. I looked at him as he started dancing. “What are you doing,” I laughed out.

“Cheering you up,” he replied.

I rolled my eyes ,“Okay that's enough.”

“I did make you smile though,” he said proudly.

There's one thing that I forgot. I am using him as a pawn for my own needs but somehow I forgot how annoying he can be. He is a pain.. But I have to spend days with him, I don't know how I'm going to do it.

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