Chapter 9: WATCH

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I could remember when I wanted her close and when I broke my own rule. I knew that I'd never fucking do that again.

1 year ago...

We were reckless this year. Axel,Ace,Damon,Zade and I enjoyed The Night Of The Serpent. She is finally 18. One more year to go then she'll be mines. We all came back from our little hunt, I shall call it.

We were all at my mansion now blasting Into it by Chase Atlantic. Ace,Axel and I were taking a drink while Damon and Zade both went to grab a drink for themselves. “Next time I'm gonna kill you if you come in my way Ace,” Axel growled.

“I'm already dead Axel... Why did you want to beat that guy up anyway,”Ace replied.

“He needed a little scare,” Axel smirked while Ace rolled his eyes at Axel. Damon and Zade came straight to us with their drinks in their hand. “ you barely did anything Axel and it is your night,” Zade turned to me.

He is right. Ace,Axel,Damon and Zade all did much more than I did and that was only because my mind was on Sofia. Today she's 18 and I have to see her, I need to see her.

“Where were you whole night Damon... We last saw you on the motorbike but you disappeared,” Zade questioned. We all normally either go in matte black cars. Each in our own one or on our motorbike. This year we decided to not go with our cars and Damon gave us the idea to go with our motorbikes.

Naturally everyone stayed indoors on this night every year since they were all afraid to even look at us. Upon hearing our car or motorbike making any sound, the people would turn off their lights but that wouldn't help them. If we want something, we get it.

Damon smirked without giving a reply to Zade. “You were fucking soneone,” Axel muttered already catching on quickly but all Damon said was,“ Okay! Just stop talking, I think my head might explode, ” he replied to Zade sarcastically.

“Why bother me, what the fuck did everyone else do,” he murmured then took a sip of his beer. “Axel beat the shit out of an officer and a bartender,” I replied.
“Why,” Damon questioned.

“Cause he's fucked up,” Ace replied.

“Ace and Zade did some bullshit but its better we don't talk about it and what did you do Damon,” I said while taking a gulp of my drink.

Ace and Zade smiled knowing what they'd done. “ I burned down a mansion,” he smirked. “The person needed to be dead,” he continued. We usually help each other do shit on my night but we also challenge each other on who could do the worse. It being my night I'd always win but this year was different I barely did a thing. The guys wait whole year for this day not that they don't kill or do shit on other days. If someone fucked with anyone of us then we won't wait until October 13th. We'd kill them without thinking twice.

But what fun would it be if I didn't have a day. A day when people called only my name but in fear. Everyone knowing that shit will go down if they didn't hide not that hiding could save them from us.

Everyone knew that The five devils did what we wanted, when we wanted so that was a normal thing for everyone but on October thirteen was more scary for everyone. They'd be afraid that they're our victims.

Zade went upstairs with some girl then after a while Axel, Ace and Damon went to my basketball court to play. I decided to check on Sofia.

I took my car and reached to her house. She had a small gathering. It wasn't really a party when you think about it. Her friend Victoria was there and a few other people. She looked beautifull in the black dress that she wore.

Black is her favorite color while mines is red. I saw her going into her kitchen to grab a drink when a guy grabbed onto her waist, pushing himself against her. I hated when anyone would do that to her.

Ever since she was 16, she got noticed by many guys and sometimes if she reject them then they would forcefully push themselves against her but I made sure to get rid of each and every one of them.

There was always some fucker that never liked rejection from her or were just sick in their head and decided that its a good day to rape someone. I made sure that all the guys that wanted to hurt her are dead but I guess that I'm gonna have to do the same with him.

The best part is that no one would ever know. Anytime my friends and I kill anyone, it never showed up on news or anything, they would cover it for us because they feared us and they wouldn't dare go against me.

All the guys that I killed for trying to do anything to her, were never brought up. I'm sure that people don't even know that they're dead. My phone buzzed but I ignored it until it buzzed again. It was Damon, “we need you to come back now.”

“I'm busy Damon.” I had to focus on her. I need her to be safe, I have to protect her.


Thinking about all this made me late. I told Sofia that I would be there in an hour but I'm late. The hour passed like 20 minutes ago. I really need to buy a fucking watch.

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