Chapter 17: BROTHER

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They both walked towards me after talking to each other."He is Damon Torres," Axel murmured.

"What," I said in disbelief.

"He's your brother,"he added.

"He is not my brother," I yelled making the people in the room look at us. Everyone was silent while looking at us. "Don't make such a scene," Damon muttered but I didn't care. I got angry with him so I punched him in his face. Everyone gasped and I heard whispers in the room. I had so many fucking questions to ask him. I was feeling so many different emotions but anger and pissed was my top two. How do I have a brother.

"You're bleeding, do you need a napkin," I smiled then exited the building. Axel followed me out and ran towards me but I kept walking. He caught up to me then said, "Don't you want to ask about him."

"No," I replied but he continued,"But you should hear his story." My anger built up and I reacted. I pinned him against the wall," I don't want to hear anything. Just fuck off."

It was more of a yell. I was loud but I didn't care if anyone heard me. Axel tried to touch me, I'm guessing to calm me down but instead, I pushed him off. "Don't you dare shoot her," he demanded. Who is he talking to. I bet he wanted to distract me I have had enough of his bullshit. "If any of you hurt her, I will fucking kill you myself," he yelled.

"Yes Boss," several men replied . I turned around to see a lot of men with guns or knives pointed at me, Wait what the fuck are they doing here. I didn't even notice them since I was angry. Now I know that he won't allow anyone to harm me but right now I have other things on my mind. He was their boss.

Everyone backed off. Axel grabbed onto my hand and carried me to the car. He drove off from that building and carried me back to his mansion. He held onto my hand while walking in but I pulled away,"Who are you," I asked as I pretended.

"Its not important la mia ossessione, at least not yet," he replied.

"It is. Why are all those people obeying you," I yelled.

"Because they have to," he smirked. "Well I don't," I Sassed.

"Trust me darling, you have to," he replied.

"Obey you," I grinned. Before he could say anything I continued,"okay, watch me asshole." I grabbed a key from my pocket that I stole early and I ran into his yard that was full of cars. I wasn't gonna leave so soon but I hate when people think that they can order me around so I'll show him that I don't play by the rules.

The only problem was that there were a lot of cars. There were many matte black ones, a few red ones and then there were random colors like one white,blue and even a pink. I listened to see which car was making noise after I pressed the unlocked button from the key. I ran towards the red one and I drove off.


I took her home with me but she wanted to know who I am. "Who are you," she questioned.

"Its not important la mia ossessione, at least not yet," I replied.

"It is. Why are all those people obeying you," she yelled. It was no coincidence and she realised it sooner than I thought.

"Because they have to," I smirked. "Well I don't," she Sassed.

"Trust me darling, you have to," I smirked.

"Obey you," she grinned. Before I could say anything she continued,"okay, watch me asshole." She reached into her pocket and grabbed a key that she stole earlier.
She took one of my red car and drove off.

My baby is learning so fast. I already knew that one of my keys was missing. I let her leave instead of going after her. She is just like me. She is curious, badass, short- tempered and doesn't listen to anyone. She's my little devil. She's my addiction and she's my obsession.

1 year ago...

He read the note and a smirk was plastered on his face.
He liked a challenge but he loved winning it. He looked at his watch seeing that he only had a few hours left to find me.

I stood on the other roof near the one that he stood on. He didn't even know that I was still here. Closer than he thought. Now I wonder if he'd ask his Serpents to help or not. Either way its not them I want. I want him.

He will find me only if I want to be found and right now I don't feel like being found. Why not play a little game. I left on my motorbike heading straight for his mansion.

I knew fully well that he'd think that I'm dumb since I could be spotted but he didn't know how precise I was. If I want to be seen then I will be. I heard Chase Atlantic blasting in the mansion. I walked in without being seen. He should have more security.

I walked up the stairs to his room. In his closet was a mask. A black mask with hints of red under the eyes as if it was a trail of tears. He didn't need a mask but he still wore one on his night. Not all the time but tonight he did. He was the only one that would wear a mask. The other Serpents didn't. He was the leader so he always stood out.

I took the mask and left his room as I continued to look around. Moans and screams were heard from the guest room so one of the Serpents had to be in there. I walked down and saw the other Serpents at the basketball court.

Axel's Mansion was white, black and gray. At least they were the main colors that was seen but he did have a few other colors of things in his mansion but I guess he liked it dark. Most rooms were black with hints of gray or white.

I took out my spray paint and left a little note for him on the white wall. I hope that he can get this out because it looked so bad in front of the wall.

I took out a match and started a fire. I left a little something for his Serpents to clean up.


I pulled up to my house and I locked all my doors. "Hey how are you, it took you a while to reach home," I heard a voice from my kitchen.

I walked in with a knife in my hand," damon." what the fuck is he doing here and how did he get in.

"what were you going to do with that," he said while pointing at the knife that I was still holding.

"Step any closer and you just might find out," I replied.

"Uhh, sarcastic and badass... Just like your brother," he grinned. Is he fucking serious. Wait... Maybe I can use him to ask him questions. I placed the knife on the counter and I poured myself a drink. " I need to ask you something."

"Anything baby Torres," he smirked since he knew that he was annoying me. "Uhh fuck off," I replied while taking a sip of my drink. "What does la mia ossessione mean."

" I'm not Italian sof," he replied while grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"I know dick head but you have friends who are so surely you know a little," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"It means my obsession," he replied. I almost choked after taking another sip. Axel calls me that but why.
" it's the basics so how could you not understand what it meant," Damon boasted.

"Fuck off Damon, " I murmured. Why the fuck is he calling me his obsession. It doesn't make sense. "What," Damon questioned noticing that I was thinking of something. "Nothing."

"Oh fuck.." He smirked while looking at the door. I turned to see Axel. I have no time for this. Damon looked like he realised something but he just wasn't telling me what it was. I didn't even get to ask him about Axel. I wanted to know if he knew where the person was.

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