Chapter 18: STALKED

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Damon left the house as soon as Axel arrived. He smirked then made his way towards me,"I bet after our first date, you won't even think about another man."

He is so confident but not for long."There won't be any first dates," I replied. He still continued,"Are you sure about that."

"You're setting very high expectations," I replied.

"Don't worry la mia ossessione, I never set expectations I can't keep," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and I finished my drink. "Besides I took you to get the tattoo," he murmured. Surely he doesn't think that getting a tattoo counts as a date. "You call that a date," I responded.

"Nope but this will be," he smirked. I have had enough of all the thinking, I just need to rest." We're not at that place anymore," I said.

"Where exactly," he replied.

"Where all those dickheads are afraid of you," I responded. I continued," you're at my house now so Get out."

He actually listened this time. Normally he would try to win a point but he just obeyed. I don't know why I was so rude but fuck it.. he and everyone else has to get use to it.

I hate most people. I love trying new things. But I like being around him for some reason, it is making me test myself. I need to see if I can manipulate him and so far it's going as planned... Call me crazy but he is like a case, hard to figure out but when solved could be better.

Maybe I shouldn't since he's dangerous but he's always sarcastic and I can't tell if he hates me. He is also funny but he is also kind of nice in his own ways.
I did enjoy being around him but I don't like anyone thinking that they can control me. I like to do things my way, I like being free. I don't know why I sense danger around him but if he ever tries anything then we'll see who dies first.


I hate everyone. I hate everything. But I like her.??
Maybe I shouldn't since she's everything like me but why am I still afraid that I'll corrupt her but I can't stop now. She's funny, badass and sarcastic like me.

Why the fuck was I always going back. Wherever she was, I wanted to be. With her was excitement and something new everyday and I couldn't shake that feeling. I could tell that apart of her wanted me but she is being cautious since she doesn't know me, which is why she's so smart.

I knew she wanted me but not as much as I wanted her. I came to her first but yet I was the one that continued to run after her.

I wanted her to run after me. I wanted her to beg me to stay with her at all times but whenever she was away I always found myself running to her first. A part of me hated yet loved myself for it. She had me wrapped around her finger but she wasn't giving in. I thought that I would have her to myself. I told her that she was the award for me winning the race but she's stubborn and didn't listen so I guess I'll have to do it the other way. She has to come to me one way or another.


This fool ran like he was blind but then again I did spray pepper spray in his eyes. I saw him walking home early from a long day of work. Exhaustion was clearly printed on his face.

"I can't do this anymore," he says realising he had no where else to run. "What can you do?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"You told me you love me and that you will stay with me. You know how it effects me seeing you with him."
I smile remembering the lies I fed him with. Jealousy didn't look good on him. Besides I am using Axel too. It was honestly easy to make him fall in love with me. I just worked on his weaknesses.

Of course he was my target so once I knew he had a fear of being alone I pretended to be there for him. I acted as his friend but slowly I made him think I loved him. He was so convinced and he fell for me. Getting inside his head and using him was simple.

I laughed sarcastically," he's my puppet."

"We kissed." Gosh he just can't forget that can't he. It was one time and I only did it to get information from him. I wanted to find out where a Mafia leader was hiding other than that the kiss wasn't real to me, it meant nothing.

"We did and I used you but now its time you go to hell with the rest of the fuckers I killed." Now even though he couldn't see properly after what I did, the sound of his voice breaking made me realise just how good I manipulated him.

"No you said you love me." I did tell him that but it was all lies. "I said that to your friends too but now that I know enough information on the Mafia leader you are useless to me."

"Please I love you. You were there for me." A tear even managed to escape as I continued, " Why are you so clingy."

"Because I love you Sofia."

"Don't fall in love with a manipulator," I smirked. Uhh now my perfectly white dress is stained with red. I threw his dead body in shadow ally. What an asshole, he was so emotionally attached.


Time passed and I haven't seen Axel, finally he understood to leave me alone. I honestly needed a break.. the whole Damon being my brother situation made me decide that I needed to focus. I have been doing lots of things with my time. I made plans and if they didn't work then I had a backup plan. I was on my way home from Victoria's house since I'd been staying there for days after I told Axel to leave.

He's hot and his smile... But I don't trust him and I can sense danger so I stayed by Victoria just to let things calm down and I think it worked since I didn't hear from him at all.

My phone began to buzz rapidly. I took it out of my pocket and I saw an unknown number. I don't answer unknown numbers because its probably a prank from one of my friends. I declined the call and placed the phone back into my pocket.

It started buzzing again. I started getting annoyed so I answered, " I am not in the mood for games."

"But we're just starting little nightmare," a dark husky voice replied. Its probably Victoria pranking me but I just wanted to get home. The place was dark and I did enjoy the dark but it looked kind of creepy. I didn't have my car since they were all at my mansion so I was walking home alone in the dark.
"Who is this," I questioned.

"You're mine," the voice replied. "What," I gasped. Wait... This has to be Axel. The first time we met at the party he mouthed "mines".

I still wasn't sure if it was him and what if it wasn't. What if it was someone else. I wanted to find out so I played along. "Its not nice to walk alone in the night," he stated. It's a good thing he said that since I need to pretend to be scared and now its a perfect opportunity to add to it. I started to run. The person is here. I don't know where and I don't want to look. If I want to find out who it is then I need to make the person believe that I'm afraid. Although I did have an urge to just kill the person and get it over with. "I can't wait to wrap my arms around your pretty little throat," he said.

"Axel, leave me alone," I yelled with tears streaming down my face as I was desperately running to my mansion. I hope that the person saw the tears. It made it look more realistic.

"Who is Axel," the voice murmured. Maybe Axel was just playing with me but I couldn't take any chances because I wasn't sure who this person was. "Goodnight, little nightmare, " he said then hung up. I made my way into my house and the doors were already opened. I remember vividly that I locked them before staying at Victoria. I edged towards the doorway and pushed it opened entirely, it made a loud sound. The house was full of darkness.

There was no one inside, there can't be. I was simply overreacting as usual. The person was on the road, there's no way that he had time to reach here before me. I quickly shut the door making sure to lock all the other ones. My heels echoed throughout the house.

I made my way upstairs and I could see that the bathroom light was on which was rather odd.

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