Chapter 23: HIS

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I was on my bed just chilling. I started getting tired. I turned off the TV and the lights. I quickly felt like I was sleeping but at the same time, I wasn't too sure. I was tired but I also couldn't sleep.

I heard his voice,“ little nightmare.” I got up and started to wonder if I was dreaming or not. Was I imagining this.
I felt this chill then noticed that my bedroom door was open. I was sure that I locked it.

Was it my stalker. He always found a way to get in. Sometimes while I slept, I just knew that he was probably watching me. “Its you isn't it,” I said out loud and it echoed in my room. That's when I felt his strong arms wrapped around my waist and I felt his hot breathe on my ear.

Chills ran over my whole body. I could tell that he was strong and tall. I could feel his abs pressed against my back. “I don't think that you should sleep alone tonight Little nightmare,” he murmured in my ear sending chills everywhere and every part of my body.

I pulled him in closer. What the fuck was I doing. His voice was attractive. In my head, I was resisting but yet my body pushed closer to him. He pushed me on my bed and came on top of me. His dark feature loomed over me.

I tried telling myself that he was my stalker but I couldn't resist. He grabbed my wrist, pinned them against the bed then he leaned down and kissed my lips.

He pulled up my oversized shirt, exposing my stomach. He yanked off my shirt and threw it on the floor. I realised that I couldn't resist him, I loved the danger the fear and the fucking butterflies that I feel. I fucking wanted it.

When he touched me I knew how much passion he felt, he touched me gently. He kissed my neck and I'm sure that he left a trail of hickeys. Desire was all I felt when he touched me.

Fuck. What am I doing. I can't be with my stalkers. That's fucked up. He probably killed a bunch of people for just looking at me but the thought of it turned me on. He was dominant and he was possessive.

I knew nothing about him. His name, what he looked like... I knew nothing, he was a stranger and a stalker but yet it felt as if I did know him. I snapped myself out of my thoughts and I began to pull away but no use. He was strong. He made sure that I was still in place.

He did it gently but so dominantly. He wasn't going anywhere. Its so dark, I couldn't see his face. I pulled out my knife that was near and I placed it below his chin but he pulled in and kissed me. “Don't get unnecessary blood on the bed, little nightmare,” he whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes as I felt his hot breathe near my ear. He leaned down and kissed me roughly. His tongue entering my mouth and going to war with mines, trying to dominate me. He looked down to see my bare breast since I had no bra on.

He sucked my breast then bit it softly making me moan in pleasure. I arched my back and he looked up with a grin on his face, knowing that I was completely wet.
“Are you a virgin, little nightmare ” he smirked.

“You know I am,” I murmured then gasped as a finger went into me. It was both pleasure and pain. He placed another finger in and I gasped and I could barely breathe.

I closed my eyes but he continued. The sensation began to feel good. He pulled out his fingers and moved from the bed. He took off his clothes.

Fuck. He was big. I don't know if I could handle it. It looked like it would hurt. “I'm going to fuck you until you aren't able to walk,” he murmured then walked to the bed.

“You're going to take all of me, little nightmare,” he smiled. I was honestly scared. He looked down and noticed and said,“ don't worry, it'll fit.”

He took his hands and spread my legs for me then he slid inside me. It hurt, it fucking hurt. He started kissing my lips and before I knew it, I felt no pain. I felt pleasure.
He went faster and faster, pushing in and out of me.

We were both panting,“ you like that, little nightmare, ” he whispered in my ear. I grabbed onto the sheets as I looked into his eyes and pulled him in. His lips against mines, felt right.

He continued going faster and faster,“Who do you belong to,” he questioned as I moaned in pleasure. “You,” I moaned out as we both came at the same time.

He slowly pulled out of me. “Why the fuck did I let you do that,” I mumbled and he heard me. “ you love the danger. You know that I would die for you, you know that I would kill for you and I love you,” he whispered in my ear.

I know that I'm dumb. I gave my virginity to my stalker, something that I'll never get back, who does that. I'm so fucking stupid.

He knew that I was his.

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