Chapter 14: CLAIMED

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What were we. I know that we aren't friends but at the same time it felt like we were enemies that flirted with each other. Not really my fault though since I needed to play along. He is always being sarcastic with me and I show him back attitude. Axel and I have the same attitude.

Sometimes I feel as though he seemed nice but then would act rude which is why I say that we could possibly be enemies. I haven't seen him in a few days which could make my plan get ruined so I came up with an idea and I know that he'll show up. I am going on a date. A guy named Alex asked me out.

I am single so why not. He didn't tell me where we were going so I guess he wanted to surprise me. He came for me and I was blindfolded until he directed me to sit down. When I took of my blindfold I saw that we came to watch a movie.

We had time before it started so we ate and talked. He seemed like a nice guy but we had nothing in common and he was boring me to dead which made me want to shoot him right here, right now. He seemed more of the soft type not that I like bad guys but nothing we talked about interested me. I like adventures, taking risk and living a little or my favorite... manipulating people and seeing fear in their eyes. Curiosity can be a dangerous thing but what's life without risks.

We both sat down in ours seats and the film started. As I was watching the movie, I can't help but feel that somebody was watching me and I knew he was here. I can't be sure but I just knew. I turned around and I saw Axel sitting behind me.

I knew that he'd come. I tried my best to ignore him. I wanted him to get angry. I turned back to look at the film but I couldn't because I knew that he was staring at me. After a while, I needed to get out of here. I told Alex that is was nice to meet him and that I am leaving.

I quickly left without turning back or even watching Axel. I walked outside to leave when I felt a hand on my mouth, covering it. The person lead me to a dark corner where no one could see you once you're there.
"Why are you here with Alex," a hoarse voice muttered in my ear. He released my mouth so that I could reply but still held onto my neck. My body was pushed against his.

"How the fuck do you know who I'm out with," I replied. I'm sure that it was Axel. I couldn't be too sure since I couldn't see the person face. "Why are you here with him," his lips brushed against my ear, his voiced yelled making me want to kill him.

"I'm on a date," I replied trying my best not to pull out my dagger and kill him. Is my plan working and did I manage to get him angry. Those were the only things that I could think about.
"Do you like him," he said in a low tone.

"What the fuck," I sassed. Why does my business concern him. "Do you like him," he questioned but this time in a rough tone.

"Maybe," I mumbled trying to aggravate him. I felt his lips on my neck as he sucked it. "Axel is that you," I questioned. He turned me around so that I could see his face. His gray eyes staring into mines. "I don't ever want to see anyone with you, unless its me... Do you understand," he stated. He is acting obsessive and I have no time for his bullshit. I just need to get information out of him.

"What if I refuse to understand," I sassed. He pulled something out and injected me. My eyes were closing and I fell in his arms. I woke up in the backseat of his car. As soon as I woke up and I saw him I didn't hold back,"You fucking inject me." I am a manipulator and I really thought that I knew what I was doing but I didn't expect him to kidnap me. This is what I get for trying to manipulate a manipulator.

"But did you die," he smirked. Does he think that I am joking. "You dumb Jackass," I yelled.

"I took that personally," he murmured while pretending to be hurt.

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