Chapter 16: MONSTER

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The guy walked off and so did Axel. They were at the other end of the room and they were talking.


We stopped at one of my buildings. I knew that he was fighting. We walked in and there he was....Damon. He won the fight as usual. He is a fighter, does underground street racing, owned 3 most successful hotels in different areas and is a boxer. I have known him for a while. He is known worldwide as well but not compared to me.

He came towards me and Sofia and greeted me passing her straight.

“Oh my god, is he injured,” Sofia blurted out. Damon turned around and replied to her,“ I'm sorry was the blood on the floor not a good indication.”

He continued, “ of course he's not injured dumbass but if I wanted then he would've been.” Damon is my friend but he better not speak to her like that. Before I could fuck him up she replied to him.

“Fuck you,”she yelled at him. That's my girl.

“Who is this girl that you brought here Axel. She's feisty,” Damon muttered.

“She's ... ,” I was about to tell Damon when Sofia cut me off,“I can introduce myself I am Sofia Torres. I don't need to know your name though.”

“Why,” I questioned. “Don't you want to know his name,” I added.

“Clearly his name is asshole,” she replied. I smirked with her response. Damon eyed her down then walked off to which I followed him. I wonder if he realised.

“why did you bring her here,” Damon questioned.

“So you know her,” I smirked.


Axel and I walked off but she could still see us from the distance. I looked at her and I just knew..  I had a feeling and when I have a feeling then I am never wrong.

18 years ago....

I was 7 years old when I realised that being born into a family like mines was fucked up. I hated them and I was only a child. How could a child have such hate for their parents.

I can't remember what happened before I turned 7 since I was so young but when I turned 7 I understood everything. My father abused me even though my mother knew,she did nothing and sometimes she would even join him. I was living in the basement. I was locked in there most of the time but I heard a cry. At first I thought it was nothing but as the weeks passed I assumed that it was someone's baby staying at our house because I knew that my parents never wanted another child.

I was too young to fight back and I was weak. They eventually sealed the basement so that I couldn't hear anything from upstairs so I was alone without hearing a sound. I turned 12 and a guy said that my parents were in the mafia. It was suppose to be a honor that they had a son but instead nobody knew that I was born nor did they tell anyone that they had a son.

I thought to myself that they had a strong hate for me and that I was a mistake. One day my father came home drunk and he ...... I tried to fight him but he was too strong.

I cried the whole night. I scraped myself trying to forget what happened. I was disgusted. I thought that he never meant to do it since he was drunk but instead he did something else. I was a sex toy to them. again and again whenever he and my mother argued he would let someone do whatever they wanted to me. I don't know if he did it to spite her or if he was doing it just because he wanted to.

I hated myself but I mostly hated the world and everyone in it. I was broken beyond repair and I knew that I would never be the same.

I knew that they were getting money for it. My 12 year old experience was the worse. It eventually stopped when I turned 14 but I would still get abused. When I turned 16 I realised that enough is enough. I literally cried my fucking self to sleep. I intentionally stabbed myself so that I would die. I would even burn myself just to forget the emotional pain and just feel the physical one.

It took me a while to realize that no one was coming to save me. No one would help me so I saved myself. I helped myself. I became the monster.

I had enough of crying myself to sleep. At 16 I stood up to my father. I saw fear in his eyes and for the first time I felt happy. I saw him regretting that I was not that innocent, weak boy anymore. I beat him up making sure that he was injured and I left home.

I met Axel and we became friends. He gave me a place at his private area and I build myself up from there. Now I am a fighter, underground street racer, own 3 most successful hotels in different areas and a boxer.

After I left, my father and mother never left the house. They knew that I was dangerous.  But it wasn't over. After I accomplished everything, I went back for them. I never forgot what they did but I wanted them to think that everything was okay and that I didn't care to see them again. I killed them when I was 23 years old. There was a girl who was 16. She was in the house but thankfully I helped her. Maybe she was a sex toy as well.

Axel and the other devils don't know half of the abuse. They don't know what I endured for years.


I looked at her carefully and she looked so familiar.
“why did you bring her here,” I questioned Axel.

“So you know her,” he smirked.

“Yes. I think they used her as a sex toy,” I replied. Why are we even talking about- if I know her.

“No she's not,” Axel smiled. He continued,“Her last name is Torres.”

“And.. ,” I mumbled.

I don't want to think about my past and what does Sofia have to do with it. My parents never had another... No I'm not even going to think about it.

I was the monster they never meant to create. They thought that I would've always been a pussy and that I would always be afraid of them.

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