Chapter 6: BOW

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Fuck. Her body next to mines had been imprinted to my mind. She was beautiful the way she swayed her body with the rhythm of the music. It reminded me of the time that I saved her and she didn't even know about it.

2 years ago.....

In a fucking bag. He looked much nicer dead. I wouldn't have killed him but he just didn't know when to stop. Not my fault though, he had it coming and anyways he still would've died either way, everyone dies right.. That's a part of life. "I'm bored," Axel muttered.

Well I agree. "Me too."

"Wanna kill someone else," he replied with a grin on his face as if he loved every second of what we did to the man that we had just killed. Axel and I were the same in many ways. We loved what we did and had no remorse. We were fucked up. "Axel what the fuck," Ace argued.

"Which one," Axel muttered. I don't know why our mother had to name both of us the same. She must really like the name Axel. After she left things were fucked up and I had to handle everything on my own.
"Both of you assholes," Ace stated but Axel argued back,"Fine but we're assassins for a reason Ace."

"Why did we kill that guy anyway," Ace mumbled but it isn't the time to tell anyone anything, she isn't mines yet.
"It was personal," I replied and Ace rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Its almost October 13th. What are we going to do," Axel questioned. He's always looking forward to the night of the serpent. The shit that we do on that day. Ace, Axel, Damon, Zade and I all go together to create trouble and make people remember why its my day then we would throw a party after. We were the 5 devils.

Damon and I met a few years ago and Zade and I are friends for a while now. Its always the 5 of us that create trouble on my day. The best part is that no one dared to stop us.

" whats the plan....More girls, frightened the shit out of people or place some in a fucking bag," He said in excitement. "I don't know but we're going wild this year," I replied.

"I might kill someone, what about you Ace," he looked over to him for a reply. Ace rolled his eyes at Axel and shot back,"I'd rather shove a nail file up my nose."

It only made sense that my brothers were sarcastic like me. Axel is more fucked up than Ace. Ace is more of the silent but deadly type but he can also be a person that would protect us from doing bullshit. A part of him likes yet hates what he does.

A few minutes ago....

I called up Axel and Ace. I didn't need their help but I knew that Axel will enjoy this. I always watch over Sofia but some guy thought it would be nice to fuck with her.

She showed no interest. She didn't like him and turned him down but rejection is a dangerous thing. I on the other hand know nothing about that. He went back for her.

Luckily she fought him off but there's no where in hell that I was going to let him live after that. I could hear his foot hitting my car from the trunk. I kidnapped him and I was carrying him to my private area where no one dared to enter.

I pulled him out of my car and he already was bleeding since I made sure to beat his ass before I placed him in my trunk. "What the fuck do you want," he yelled like a little pussy.

"You. I want you in a fucking bag," I smirked as I saw fear built over him. "Don't ever go after Sofia again," I continued.

"Who. Shit man, I don't even know who you're talking about," he cried out.

"Its the girl you tried to rape. Well now you'll remember her name and know that you died for touching her," I replied. Ace and Axel arrived and we made sure to teach him a lesson.

Once she's mines everyone should know to bow down to her. She's the fallen angel and I'm her devil standing besides her, allowing her to do whatever she want. Everyone should know to fear her just like they fear me. And everyone should know not to fuck with her.

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