Chapter 67: BOW DOWN

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He smirked and then brought out a candle, suddenly I knew where this was going. He tipped the candle over my chest. The wax began dripping between my breasts. I pulled the chains with a hiss. Axel looked down at me knowing that I was hiding how I felt. Yea, it was fucking painful but something else wanted to escape me too.

He smirked as he held the candle over me, letting the wax drop and trail down my body. From my breasts to my stomach. I tried pulling my hands free of the chains but it was no use. I really needed to cover my mouth right now.

He smirked as he brought the candles back up. It landed straight on my breasts. I tug the chains with a scream and without warning a moan escapes me too. Axel’s eyes lit up,”I knew that you liked the pain,little nightmare.”

He steadies for a moment as he watches the wax cool on my skin. He traced his finger up my skin making me raise my hips. I let out a scream when he pulled out wax from skin that wasn’t dried yet. “Little nightmare, Little nightmare..if you could’ve seen your skin right now. It marked you up so beautifully.”

He moves the candles aside and starts kissing over the bright pink marks left from the wax. He knew that I was as stubborn as him. He wanted me to surrender, he could do anything to me. Torture me too but he wanted me to beg him.

He knew that I wanted him, He saw the burst of desires in my eyes and just how much I actually crave him. One thing he knew for sure was that I will beg him one day but not right now. I was too stubborn to give in so he did. He placed two fingers inside of my wet entrance. I began pulling on the chains again but he stills my body as he stops me from moving.

I clenched around his fingers. He placed his lips on my clit and began sucking on it. Axel being a fucking psycho loved mixing pain with pleasure so while I was enjoying what he was doing. I knew that something was missing. I waited for a bit while moans escaped me but nothing. 

Maybe he wasn’t going to do anything else. I closed my eyes as I savored the way his fingers are slipping in and out of me and the way his teeth are almost digging into my flesh. I let out a scream followed by a gasp when I felt my skin cut. 

I tried my best to look down and it was the hardest thing to do since my hands are both pulled up and tied in chains while my legs are spread apart, also in chains. I do manage to spot blood just below my breasts.

It’s like he was multi-tasking. His face was still buried in my pussy and his fingers were still teasing me yet he used his other hand to cut me. I don’t question it because he’s crazy and he might do worse if I object.

The dagger comes back up and I feel another slash on my skin. I let out a scream and came at the same time. He starts licking up my release like it was his favorite meal. His eyes however flickered with desire. He wasn’t done yet. I felt sore and he just started. My pussy needed a break but I let out a scream once he slammed inside me, I had a burst of desires flooding me again.

He was unable to hold back. He didn’t go slow. I wasn’t expecting him to. This is the real him and as much as I knew there would be torture and pain, I wanted to live in it and be indulged by it. 

He goes harder and faster with each thrust making the chains clang while he slams in and out of me. If pain was always mixed with such pleasure, then I’d want it everyday. “Make it hurt,” I let out and all I heard was his grin.

He pushed his thumb right on the cut that he did right below my breast. I pulled on the chains with a scream and came again on his cock. My eyes were shut and I trembled a little while I tried to breathe. “ I’m not done yet, little nightmare. I’m still playing and my demons want to play more games.”

He left me on the chain as he cut me once more with the dagger, just below my breasts, almost as if he was trying to make something or write something. He kissed the blood from my skin then pressed his lips on mine. I moaned as he slipped his tongue in my mouth.

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