Chapter 34: TRAITOR

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I got into my car and Axel came into the passenger seat of my car. Zade, Damon and Grayson sat in another car while Ace came in the backseat of my car. “I never said that I'd drop anyone back.”

“We know,” Axel replied. Why was he still in my car. I just told him that I'm not dropping him home.“Okay so get out of my car.”

“I think we'll stay love,” he smirked and Ace immediately looked at us. “Don't call me love.”

“I should give you two some time alone,” Ace murmured while opening the door. “Yes you should,” Axel smiled and I growled ,“No.”

Ace closed back the door and sat in the car as I drove off. It was quiet in the car but I didn't mind. I didn't want to have any conversation either way. Axel on the other hand was staring me down and I'm pretty sure that Ace noticed it. He probably doesn't even want to be in the car since Axel is making it so awkward but then I saw Ace looking at me too.

I watched myself in the mirror thinking that something was wrong, I mean why were both of them looking at me like that. “Keep your eyes off her Ace,” Axel muttered to him.

“You should do the same Axel,”Ace replied. Ace was hot. I mean all of them were. Ace, Axel, Grayson and Zade were all hot but I didn't like them. I mean Axel, maybe I like him a little but only because he's a pain in my ass.

“She's mines,” Axel continued as he grabbed onto my hand as Ace watched. I didn't pull away. It felt nice that his hand was on mines. I stopped at a red light and I saw a car besides mines. I looked out the window and I saw Damon, Zade and Grayson in the car that was next to mines.

I pulled my hand away from Axel and growled,“Wait. What are you guys doing.”

“We are all coming with you,” Ace replied. I should've known. I pulled up at Victoria's house and got out of the car. All of them followed behind me until I stopped them,“ Stay here. I'm going in alone.”

Finally they listened as they all got back into their car to wait. I entered her house with the spear key that I have. “Hey its me Sofia,” I said as I entered.

“What are you doing here,” she asked while pouring a drink. “I need to talk to you. Its important.”

“Okay,” she replied in a concerned tone. “I need you to tell me about Devin,” I blurted out.

“I don't know who you're talking about ,” she replied but I sassed back,“Just tell me.”

A bullet sound echoed in the house and the guys entered the house only to see me on the ground. I pulled my gun and I shot her back. Axel ran towards me, placing his hand on the spot where I got shot.

She pointed her gun towards me but Damon pulled out his gun and stepped in front,“ put the fucking gun down.”

“Do it now,” Ace said while taking his one out and Grayson joined,“Didn't you hear him.”

“Don't make Axel get angry,” Zade warned her but Axel growled,“I will fucking kill you.”

“Just say it,” I yelled.

“He's my father,” she replied and that's when anger hit me. “Your father kidnapped me.”

A few minutes ago....

"Do you know where Devin is,” I asked Vincenzo.

"He has been in hiding but I know where he'll be," Vincenzo replied.

"Okay tell me."

“Devin has a daughter,” he added. What does that have to do with me. I want him not his daughter. “That's not important.”

“Her name is Victoria,” he continued. Wait.. No it can't be. “Do you have a picture,” I asked and he pulled out his phone. It was indeed my friend. “But how didn't I know,” I mumbled but he heard me and muttered, “ she was spying on you for her father. How do you think he always got away when you went for him.”

“Because she would sell you out,” he added.

“But,”---- he cut me off before I could give an explanation as to why it can't be true. “That's her father,” he stated but I growled,“No,I met her parents.”

“No that's her uncle and aunt and they are also in his mafia,” he murmured. Fuck.. How did I not know. This whole time Devin that mafia leader who kidnapped me had his daughter spying on me. So did she pretend to be my friend.

Only one way to find out. I will ask her myself.


“Where is he,” I questioned but by the look on her face I could tell that she was going to say some stupid shit. “You'll never find him,” she smiled.

“Oh I will. You can bet your ass on that,” I sassed.

“So you've been lying to me and pretended to be my friend but this whole time you've been a rat. Telling your father where I am so that he'll know where to hide and he'll know if I am coming or not,” I cried out.

She pulled our her gun again but this time Axel didn't hesitate. He shot her and her body dropped to the ground. Blood dripping onto my clothes. Axel lifted me in his arms and for a second, I actually forgot that I had gotten shot too.

I began feeling dizzy and Axel tried everything that he could to keep me awake but I couldn't. “Please stay awake,” he whispered while placing me in the car.

“I always told you that I would never kneel for anyone but I guess I should also tell you that I never beg anyone or say please but Axel you are begging me way too much.”

“Do whatever you want. Make fun of me, be angry with me or even hate me but please don't close your eyes,” he replied.

The last thing I saw was how protective and caring they all were towards me and I even saw a bit of fear in all the guys since they wanted me to be safe.

I thought that Victoria was my best friend but she was a traitor.

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