Chapter One: The Twin Dragons And The Owl Lady Part 1

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People always say that we have a choice.

A choice to either pick ourselves up or stay down and accept defeat...

A choice to either go with the crowd or be your own person...

And sometimes you are given the choice to either pull the trigger or not.

We weren't given the same luxury of options when it came to our lives. My little sister and I were all that we had and no one wanted us.

Not even our parents...

But we found sanctuary in the oddest yet most amazing way in the form of a new family, friends and something more...

But I'm getting ahead of myself, My name is Lucia Drake and this is how my little sister, Luz Drake, and I fought for our new home and changed it for the better.


If you ever saw our biological parents and the family we once were. You would say we had it all.

We had a lovely homey house, delicious food waiting for us for when we came back from either school or work, comfy clothes, and much more.

Our father was a strong and caring man who would do anything for his family. With short curly brown hair, a messy beard, and a strong built body. He use to work for the Gravesfield fire department as a fire fighter and sometimes he would come back hurt, but once he was at home he would play with us and enjoy spending time with us.

Then he didn't come back...

One of the houses he was at collapse with him and the victim inside but they weren't injuried. Our father used his body to protect them as the rubble crushed him.

I was just four when it happened, Luz wasn't even walking yet. Mother was here that day after a long tiring twenty-four shift at the hospital, when the call came and then the police.

She was never the same after that call and his funeral. She slowly drifted herself away from us and there would be days she wouldn't even look at us much less talk.

Then after my sixth birthday, tragedy stuck our struggling family but this time it my baby sister.

Luz was always a happy and energic little tyke. She would roam around the house and touch everything that interested her from my hardcover book of the Lord of the Rings to the remote of the TV. I always remember her pointing her little toddler hands at a magazine about motorcycle and her asking me to read it in a very uneven and heavy accent. She only spoke around me and that action itself was very little at times.

She was so curious about the world and wanted to know everything about it, but when she started school that when everything changed.

A student in her class started bullying with their buddies. The reason for it you might ask?

Because she didn't talk and was smarter than them.

The teacher notified us too late when one of them took things way too far. They found my sister beaten to a bloody pulp behind the sports shed, her hair was soaked in her blood, her face was swollen shut, both her ears were bleeding and her clothes had multiple slash marks on them.

The doctors were able to save her in time and I will be forever grateful for that. They also found out through multiple tests, she was autistic and deaf in both her ears. The doctors explained that her hearing loss was already a prior issue and that she was losing her hearing since she was two.They asked why we never took her to get tested and all our mother said was she didn't notice anything strange with her.

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