Chapter Five: The Madame of Aphrodite's Palace

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"Hello" - Sign Language
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello" - Normal Speech

Lucia's P.O.V

I quickly answer the phone, signally Luz and King to stay quite as I spoke," Good evening nana, how are you?"

I could hear Madame Ofelia laugh angelicly on the other line as she heard my voice.

'Good she's not call for a mission or anything judging from the laugh.' I thought in relief. I didn't have the energy tonight to go out and do a mission after the whole Convention fiasco.

"How are my two grand babies? I heard about what Cain did you two two weeks ago and why I haven't heard from you two."

I gently sat down on one of the couch and took off my hoodie and beanie, not caring about the rat's nest I call hair," We are doing...okay nana and we are sorry about not being able to call you. We had to leave Gravesfield in under four hours before the patrol came."

"I heard from one of my girls who was working that night." I could hear the small smirk that was forming on her face,"And color me impressed when I found out through one of my workers that you escaped from the cops and came to Bonesborough."

I felt my entire freeze as I just took a swan dive into ice water. Luz saw me freeze and I could from the corner in my eye that she was doing her breathing exercises to help calm her down.

"N-Nana who-?"

"It's Madame Ofelia to you right now my dear granddaughter."

I swallow down my nerves and spoke in a calm professional voice," Yes, my apologies Madame Ofelia. May I ask how you found out that Luz and I are in the Demon Realm."

"Lucia my dear, I would know when two human children step foot into my old home~."

My brain was going overdrive as I had so many question for her but that would have to wait as she spoke to me once more in her business voice.

"As you know from the night Cain betrayed you, NYPD and CTPD were very close to finding one of the entrances to the Tunnels but lucky they weren't able to find because of the ruckus Cain made trying to escape. Turns out the reason he sent you and Luz to kill that cop was because he angered the Tsuki Clan."

"He did what!? The Tsuki Clan are incharge of handling all the money and business side of the Tunnel how the fuck did he piss them off!?"

I knew that Cain and Santiago gang were fucking idiots but I didn't they were suicidal!

Madame sighs softly as I heard her set down in what I believe was her office chair back at the Palace.

"Thoughts exactly but anyway after the whole town wide raid, Caine was captured by one of the Tsuki Clan men. Let's just say he and his gang are having a great time as their bitches."

I shiver a bit in fear as I heard that. I held no sympathy for those assholes but I knew that wasn't all the Madame wanted to tell me.

"So that's what happened back in your realm so lets get down to business shall we Lucia. Now that I know that you and Luz are in the Boiling Isles, I want to know how you two stumbled upon that place."

I ran my hand through my messy hair and let out an exhausted sigh," It's a really long story Madame..."

After I finished telling Nana about the past two weeks we've been here on the Isles, meeting Amelia and Amity Blight and their friend and the Convention, I knew she could tell that today's fiasco effected not just Luz but me too. Though I couldn't help but feel as if she was hiding something else from me.

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