Rich Kid Drama With Two Dragons Part 3

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~A Few Days Later: Hexside School of Magic and Demonics~

Amity's P.O.V

I was putting away my textbooks into my locker when Willow and her older sister Wionna came over to me.

"Hey, Ami!!" Willow says cheerfully as her sister gives me a small wave," Did you hear what happened to Boscha? Her entire arm was in a thick cast with a bunch of healing glyphs on them."

I had to try my best to keep my face neutral as I knew exactly how Boscha got injured and why she and her sister have been avoiding us since that day.

Turns out father put an extra set of protection on me and Amelia besides the abomination crows. The stones that father gave us are more than just regular oracle stones that are used to communicate with mother, they are also recording devices that activate whenever we are scared or threatened in a hostile manner. They used the recording from that day and threatened the Havenstars with exposure if they do not leave us alone but I know that they wouldn't listen.

I've seen Chanel watching my sister from afar with that creepy look in her eyes but never going as far as trying to woo her like usual and Boshca just straight up avoided but I could tell she was pissed at the Drake siblings for damaging not just her body but also the status of being untouchable in school and out in public.

"No, I haven't what happened?" I asked with fake curiosity hoping that Willow would buy it. She did but her sister raised an eyebrow at me as I shook my head softly when Willow wasn't looking.

"Rumor going around is that a pair of newcomers did that to Boscha, but what I don't get is why?"

I shrug softly but I couldn't help but blush a tiny bit as I remember the charming smirk Luz gave me after dealing with Boscha and how handsome she looked in just shorts and a tank top. I could see all of the lean muscle she obtained from whatever training she and Lucia did...

'Titan damnit I sound like a pervert!!... But she did look handsome...ahhhh'

I shook those confusing thoughts out of my head as I closed my locker and walked with Willow and her sister on our usual route home. Amelia was doing some minute cramming for her abomination exam tomorrow so she texted me that she would be going to the library.

As we walked along the dirt trail towards Bonesborough, the three of us were talking about our day more from Willow's successful cross-pollination project with some human seeds and some from the Isles and Wionna telling us about her potions project. I always enjoyed hearing about the projects the Parks would do during school and in their little greenhouse lad at their house.


"Come on Luz I know you can swing faster!!!"

The three of us stopped dead in our tracks as I heard the familiar voice of Lucia Drake.

Both Parks were curious about the new voice coming from a clearing in the forest. So like the curious people we are, we decided to investigate the source, and what I saw almost made me faint from shock.

As we reached the clearing, the three of us were given the sight of Lucia and Luz Drake sparring with what looked like wooden training tools. Lucia had on a pair of what looked like really thick and probably heavy wooden fighting gloves while Luz was holding two twin wooden swords that looks to be made of the material like her sister's gloves.

They were exchanging blow after blow with just their respective weapons but as well as their bodies. I stood there in a trance as I watch Luz fake out her sister and instead of hitting her with one of her swords, she ducked and sent a strong kick to her stomach.

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