The Boiling Isles and Green Hair? Part 2

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~Infront of the Owl House~

"Hello " = Sign Language
"Hello" = Regular Speech
'Hello' = Thoughts

Lucia's P.O.V

After getting ready, changing into our regular clothes, and strapping on our weapons, the both of us were standing outside of the owl house with two massive bags of Eda's potions and a map.

"Okay, these are the potions I need you two to deliver today. King will show you where each delivery goes." She hands me a small bag filled with what sounds like coins.

"These are snails, this realm's currency, use it to get some food when lunchtime rolls around, and please make sure that King doesn't get into any sweet."

I nod softly," Okay Eda, we'll be off then if there isn't anything you need to tell us."

She told us there wasn't besides not trusting some dude with sandals and a robe whatever the fuck that meant. So with little to no effort, my sister and I lifted the bags of potions and hauled them over our shoulders.

'Damn this shit is so light!!! But if I remember correctly there are about a hundred bottles in each bag!!!'  I thought as I look over at my sister, who also noticed how extremely light this stuff was compared to some of the drug deliveries we did.

King was complaining about having to come with us and that it was cutting in from his mid-morning nap time. Jesus this kid reminds me of a certain insomniac sibling whenever I have to wake her up from her work naps. So to save us some time, I gently pick him up and place him in Luz's hood so that he could at least nap a bit on the way to town.

King happily enjoyed his new ride as we wave goodbye to Eda and headed toward town. Now that I could see thanks to the weird-looking sun, it confirms for a fact that we are not on Earth anymore. Instead of the green grass, trees, houses, and cars littering the area, we were now in some kind of modern-ish medieval world where there were so many people and what I guess are demons of all shapes and sizes.

Some looked at us with curiosity and with a bit of caution but to be fair the clothes we were wearing plus the weapons we had on us made everyone even back at home cautious of us. Luz and I kept our eyes forward and ignored everyone as King pointed out to us which house we were delivering to and which to avoid at all costs.

To be fair because from experience if a house looks too clean or too whimsical then all the other ones, are either a fucking nutcase or some pretentious prick who loves to rub it in people's faces that they have the best house. Kinda like that big ass manor, we passed by over at, that King dubbed, the 'rich people district'. He told us it was owned by someone name Havenstar or some stupid fucking rich people's name and that we should be careful if we ran into their daughters.

"Why do we have to be careful with a pair of spoiled rich kids? " Luz asked and I translated to King. 

"Because!!" King hisses in a low voice so that only I could hear him," The Havenstars are the second richest family on the Isles, and their daughters are what you could problematic..."

He looks uncomfortable and looks around to make sure no one could hear us," The two daughters, Chanel and Boscha Heavenstar, are two of if not the meanest and nastiest girls in the whole world. They do whatever they want whenever they want and from some rumors from a couple of my playmates who go to their school, they rule Hexside and the witchlings of their grade with an iron fist."

Luz and I looked at each other and had to hold back a laugh as King describes the movie-style mean girls/ sister troupe to us. Jesus Christ this is probably the funniest thing we've heard all day and it's not even lunchtime yet. I brush away a small tear from my eye and look towards King with a smirk.

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