Part 2: Life Goes On Even in Darkness Part 2

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Langauge
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
"Hello" - Memory
' Hello' - Thoughts

{The Second Memory}


"Fuck that hurts!" Amelia exclaimed as she and Amity landed harshly onto what they suspected was a wooden floor.

Nothing was making sense anymore especially now that there was another factor in helping the Drake sisters. A beast of some kind was now inside the mindscape with them with just the inner Lucia fighting it off. 

'Damn it all!' Amelia chastised herself as she rubbed her face a bit, trying to push back the tears that were trying their best to come out, and after a few moments collected herself. She finally took in the surroundings and saw that they were once again in Lucia and Luz's childhood living room but it was a bit different from the warmth and coziness that they felt from before.

It was cold and somber even with all the scorch marks and burnt holes.

Dirty clothes, both children and adult sizes, littered the once-clean floor, and empty boxes that the witches presumed to be human versions of instant meals and cereal were stacked up high in the corner of the room. The couch that was once pristine and comfortable was now stained and had some wear and tear from either someone sleeping onto it too much or from children playing too roughly on it, but what made their blood boil a bit was the copious amounts of alcohol bottles of all shapes and sizes on the coffee table and the floor around it. 

"My titan, but weren't we just here Am?" Amity asked in a confused tone as she tried to look for any from the previous memory but found nothing.

"We were," Amelia confirmed as she swallowed back her anger and started organizing the knocked-over bottles and some misplaced furniture," But I think these two memories are just too close in the time frame, but what could've happened for the place to into this mess! I mean not even Dad's workshop at the house is this bad!"

Amity bit her bottom lip, nervous as to how this once happy home turned into such a pigsty, and quickly went to work helping her older sister fix up the room. She felt her heart ache a tiny bit as in the pile of dirty blankets that was transformed into a makeshift fort of some kind. Inside were two sleeping bags and food that small children would have no trouble preparing by themselves if there wasn't an adult present. Amity knew from the Azura-themed toddler sleeping back and the space-themed child-size one that this must've been the Drakes's little lair, but why was it here out in the open in the living room?

The youngest Blight carefully made her way inside and tidied it up by straightening out the sleeping bags, and the handful of plushies inside, and then organizing the food how Luz would whenever she saw her mate cleaning out the kitchen. 

Just as she was finishing cleaning up the inside of the fort, a bright light surrounded her and the entire room she and Amelia were in, and just like the time before. They both stood there in the middle of the now fixed-up room as the memory began to play.

Lucia and Luz were sleeping soundly in their little fort in their reading corner. They had been doing so for the last three months after their beloved father's funeral.

Their lives were never the same after that night they got the house call and the funeral but the person who took his death the hardest was their mother. Their mother wasn't always there in their lives very often as she worked double if not triple shifts at the hospital, but even then she was always distant with the two children if Manny wasn't there with them. However, the distances became ever greater after the love of her life left her and his children behind.

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