Rich Kid Drama With Two Dragons Part 2

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{Disclaimer: There will be mention of sexual content that can be uncomfortable to read in this part so please read at your discretion and if you are very uncomfortable with this topic please do not force yourself to read it. Thank you and I hope everyone who does read this part enjoys it.}

"Hello" = Sign Language
"Hello" = Regular Speech
'Hello' = Thoughts


We finally made it back to the Owl House after dropping off the Blight sisters at the manor and holy shit was Eda pissed the fuck off.

"What do you mean you two had a confrontation with both the Havenstars and Blight families?!" She yelled as she sent King up to his room so that she could rip both Lucia and me a new one," Did I not tell you two to be extremely careful while being here on the Isles!! And why did you two get involved with two of the richest families here!!!"

Once again and I repeat, these are the type of moments I give a silent prayer of thanks out for my deafness as judging by how my sister's ears were twitching ever so slightly, Eda was getting to be really loud. So loud that it was making my sister's extremely sensitive ears turn red. 

"Look Eda, one please can you not yell my ears are really sensitive and your yelling is making it hard not to lash out and two what else were we supposed to do!? The Blight sisters were in trouble and Pinky one and two were about to do the one thing Luz and I cannot stand for."

I gripped onto the handle of one of my blades and tried to ground myself as I remember the look of fear Amity that should never be seen on a face as pretty as hers. 

Lucia growled," If you can stand by and watch as two people were about to be taken advantage of then you and I will have words Eda because sure Luz and I may be paid killers and fucked up in our way but that shit right there will always be the one thing we would never let happen to others."

Eda's eyes widened at my sister's words and I couldn't blame her. Lucia and I have had our fair share of unpleasant experiences thanks to the Tunnels and the jobs Cain and Madame Ofelia sent on us. Some were fine like being hired to kill some fucking politician in another state, doing drug runs, or even collecting debt from some unlucky bastard but the nasty ones made us genuinely think about our morals when it came to being Twin Dragons.

One of those jobs was the first job Madame Ofelia sent us on and fucking christ that was the breaking point where she had to sit us down afterward to talk about what we witnessed.

We were sent to New York City to see about some kind of tip that the madame heard about from one of her clubs there. She didn't give us the details and just told us that we will know when we get there. It was located in the Manhattan area close to the border of New Jersey.  

The club there that one of Madame Ofelia's people was running was your standard BDSM club that catered to all fantasies and fetishes. Man did those play rooms creeped me the fuck out from the amounts of whips and different shaped objects though Lucia kept her discomforts to herself as the owner was showing us around and telling us about the place. I could tell from the sweat on his brows and clammy hands that he was trying to keep some information from us.

After about an hour of having to 'listen' to his dude's bullshit, Lucia finally snapped and threatened him about the small tip that the Madame wanted them to check. Mind you we didn't know what the tip was but just mentioning it made the dude panic, even more, and call in the bodyguards that help maintain the peace here. Idiots didn't stand a chance as we quickly took care of them with little to no effort and very little bloodshed.

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