A Basliks in My Fourth Period Part 2

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language 
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

~{Hexside School Of Magic and Demonic: 7: 30 AM}~

3rd P.O.V

"Ah, man! I really did not want to get out of bed today..." complained one bard student to their friends.

"Tell me about dude," agreed the oracle witch as he readjusted his bag," I have a test in fifth period today and I completely forgot to study last night." 

These were some of the conversations that the students of Hexside were having as they walked up to their school. Witches from as young as five summers and as old as eighteen come from all over just to learn from some of the best teachers on the Isles. You could see plant track students carrying massive pots of carnivorous maneater plants, abomination track students ordering their purple slug servants around, potion students reading and studying up on alchemical combinations, bards students tuning their instruments and practicing their singing, and so on and so forth.  

This was just your ordinary day at Hexside with the occasional explosion here and there.

Or at least it was until the sound of loud techno music and the roar of a car engine came closer with each passing second. 

All the students stopped dead in their tracks as they saw the shiny mischievous purple Mustang GT500 fly above their heads. No one had ever seen such an object before nor heard this strange music coming from it and some thought that it was some kind of metal beast as it slowly landed onto the ground. Once it was safely on the ground the roar of the engine stopped and some of the beast-keeping students were about to take on the beast to try and tame it for their own until they saw all four side doors open.

Everyone close to the car held their breath as they saw the two witches who destroyed the main training ground come out with...

"Holy Titan! Aren't those the Blight sisters!!!" One student said as Luz and Lucia helped their girlfriends out of the car like the gentlewomen they are. 

"Oh, my titan! Oh! My! Titan! It is and what is Amelia carrying?" 

"Oh, Fuck is that a baby Slitherbeast!?!?! Why does she have one???!!"

"Why is it blue?"

Lucia growled warning at the growing crowd of students as she grabbed hers and the girls' school bags from the trunk. She was having a really good morning so far, besides the massive wake-up call from her mom and helping a wiggly Luz get all the soap out of her eyes, and she didn't want these nosy idiots to ruin her good mood but when she saw Luz starting to get uncomfortable and Amatus letting out small whimpers. She knew it was a matter of time before her patience was about to snap when she felt the gentle hand of Amelia on her cheek.

She looks down at her mate, holding their furbaby protectively against her chest, and gave her a loving smile as the negative feelings slowly disappeared from her mind.

"Is my King back?" She asks softly as Lucia nuzzles against the palm a bit and kisses it gently. She gave her short girlfriend a small chuckle as she saw Amelia's cheeks turn bright red.

"Yes, Mi Renia," Lucia answers with a tender smile," I'm sorry for worrying you. I'm still a bit on edge after what happened on our exam day here."

Amelia nods in understanding as Amity told her what happened to Luz after trying to apologize to Willow. Not to mention that it was that night that Amity truly scared her when she would describe in explicit detail ways of using her abomination magic to torture anyone who made her Luz cry again. 

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