Chapter Ten: A Day at the Library Goes Horribly Wrong

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello" - Sign Language

Lucia's P.O.V

"Umm... What the fuck is that??" 

That was the first thing that came to mind as I saw three little demon bat babies sitting in front of the crystal ball as King was seated on Luz's lap, pouting with his cape wrapped around him because he couldn't watch the new episode of Otabin and Friends.

"From what Eda told me" Luz start to explain as King huffed and crosses his arms while I could hear Eda in the kitchen making us breakfast," One of Eda's important connections/close friends the Bat Queen had to do something important, and asked her to watch her kids till tomorrow. King isn't happy about it since he wanted to watch his cartoons and the babies are in a really bad mood too. "

That makes so much sense now as this was reminding me of the times the kids back at nana's mansion would get when one of them would be getting more attention than the other or when they all have a bad morning because of their mothers waking them up too early. Christ have mercy on me and Luz when they all get sick and we are the ones helping to take care of them.

I sighed softly and picked up our little brother onto my shoulders as the bat babies were chirping happily at the show they were watching," Now no more pouting King, come on let's go see what Eda's making in the kitchen and think of some ways you, me and Luz can do while Eda does gross adult stuff."

The once-pouting toddler was now grinning happily and throwing ideas at a million miles a minute while Luz and I walked into the kitchen, the smell of sunny-side-up griffin eggs, slitherbeast bacon, and wildfire titan hashbrowns. 

I felt my stomach growl from just the smell alone and my mouth water as Eda was placing our plates on the table," Morning freeloaders, how did y'all sleep?"

"Good/oood!!!!" Both Luz and King answered as they devoured their breakfast. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at how silly my younger siblings can be when food is presented to them but I can't blame them, Eda's breakfasts are the best and way better than her other culinary explorations.

"I slept fine," I answered simply as I ate some of the hashbrowns, relishing in the crunchy yet spicy taste of it," Though waking up to see three demon bat babies was a weird surprise."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Yi Yi came by early this morning to drop off the juniors before she had to deal with important business." She draws a small spell circle and magically levitated three plates for the kids in the living room, who let out what I believe were thankful chirps," She usually gives me a day's notice but she had to travel to the right arm in a hurry."

I nod softly, not asking for more details since it was not my place," Do you need help taking care of them?"

Eda ruffles my bedhead softly and hands me a cup of apple blood," No, but could you spend the day with King and do a small errand for me? The little gremlins in the living room need my entire attention since they are notorious for getting into everything and breaking things."

"We don't mind!" Luz signs happily with her cheeks full of food with some yolk on her face, "Lucia and I were planning to hit the library in town to find out more about our weird magical powers and those weird voices.

"Did you find anything while performing your weird tests?"

Luz looks over at me as I was eating, motioning me to explain what I found during the deep body scans and test runs.

I groan softly in frustration as I finish my apple blood," Besides the usual findings when it comes to our scans, we didn't find anything different biologically. Though I think using human tech to find out what is wrong with us magically probably won't work till Luz and I start experimenting with enchantments and runes. With the tests on the other hand."

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