The Boiling Isles and Green Hair? Part 3

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"Hello" = Sign Language
"Hello" = Regular Speech
'Hello' = Thoughts


"HOW CAN WE BE LOST IN THE FUCKING ALLEYS!!!!!! " I angrily signed as we kept getting even more lost in this fucking town!

After I Sparta kicked the Dumbledore wannabe, Lucia, King, and I went on the hunt for a not-dog stand since I am really fucking hungry even though we just had lunch three hours ago. I blame that on my extremely high metabolism and Lucia's insane training regiment. I could feel my stomach growl for the nourishment of delicious junky not dogs with extra spicy fairy wings and so did King as he was getting huffy too.

"Luciaaaa I want foooooood!!!" He whines to my sister as he bonks her beanie-clad head softly. I could tell from her eye twitching and her taking slow deep breaths that she was about to snap at us at any moment so I had to think of something fast.

'Come on think, we are lost in these damn alleys with no way of finding out which one to turn... I mean parkour... I AM A FUCKING DUMBASS!!!'

I tug on my sister's sleeve harshly and look her dead straight in the eyes," Parkour. "

She blinks for a moment then facepalm hard as she realizes the biggest rookie mistake we made right now.

"You have got to be shitting me..."

I nod my head softly and pat her back as I began to scale up the wall with little to no difficulty. My eyes widened as pressed my fingers against the surprisingly soft corners of the brick walls in the alley and with the tiniest amount of pressure, it started to crack.

"Lucia." I signed behind me," It's not just the stuff Ms.Eda made us deliver or that fuckers door that's super weak... I think all the materials here in this realm are far weaker than the ones back at home."

I look over my shoulder to look at my sister. I could see the gears in her head turning as she gently picks up a rock from ground.

King was about to complain when he yelps out of pure shock as my sister just obliterated the rock with her pure hand strength. I quickly got off the wall I was scaling and landed perfectly on my feet as my sister stared blankly at her hands.

"Luz, when we get back. I am adding resistance and strength control to our training regiment. We could literally kill someone if we're not careful even if this place is okay with it. Let's not push our luck too far."

I nodded in agreement as King was now staring at us in pure awe.

"Can you two be my second and third command in my army of darkness? Pretty please!!!"

" Sure King," I signed as Lucia translates for me," But first let's get out of here and find some foo-"

Just as I was about to finish my sentence, I sensed Lucia and King stiffened as felt some kind of disturbance traveling through the ground.

I've been trying to map out the regular movement of foot traffic, civilians, and what I believe we're demon style carts through out the town while we were doing our delivery job. I did the same thing back in Connecticut from a young age.

Once I lost my hearing, I had to relay heavily on my other four senses to atleast have a small semblance of a normal life. It's thanks to my sister's masochistic training that I am able to use them to this extent and why now I know why my sister stiffed up.

She heard something and from the small glare that was forming on her face it wasn't good. I bent down to the ground and brush the tips on my fingers on it, focusing on what my sister could've heard then I found it.

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