Chapter Four: Stimming and A Witch Convention

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"Hello" = Sign Language
"Hello" = Regular Speech
'Hello' = Thoughts


'Where the fuck is it!!!'

I was beginning to panic as I dug through my heavy-duty duffle, pulling and tossing all the stuff out of it, looking for a specific item that I need right now.

'Where is it? Where is it? No No no please don't tell me I left her behind!!'

I could feel my chest start to tighten up and my breathing hitching as I start to rock back and forth on my heels.

'I know I packed her!!! O-or did I forget to grab her...'


I need Lucia, she knows what to do!! I quickly got up and left our now messing room to find my big sister. I remember she told me that she would be downstairs watching King, while I took my routine nap since Eda left to do something today and wouldn't be back till tomorrow evening.

I rush down the stairs quickly, almost tripping on the trick step that Eda warned me about yesterday, and made my way over to my big sister who was watching King play his little army games with his huge amount of plushies.

Lucia must've heard me almost tripping since her head was already turned in my direction. She had a small smile on my face but that quickly changed when she saw my panicked teary-eyed face and trembling body.

"Lu-Lu, what's wrong bubba?"

She slowly got up from her spot on the couch and calmly walks over to me, making sure not to move suddenly.

"Bubba, are you able to talk to me right now?"

I looked up at Lucia and hiccup a bit as I slowly signed," Lottie... C-Can't find "

Lucia's eyes widened and gently pats my beanie-clad head as King watches us with his favorite bunny toy and toy sword in his hands.

Lottie was my super soft weight shark plushy that Lucia got for me at the aquarium when I was six. She's a cute great white shark with cute little plush goggles that are sown onto her head with the aquarium's logo on them. She's my best friend and I take her everywhere with me and I didn't realize till now that...

My vision became unfocused and I start to hit my calf hard as Lucia tried her best to calm me down. I couldn't concentrate on Lucia's lips to read them to figure out what she was saying nor could I focus on anything besides repeatedly hitting my calf and whimpering.

'I-I want my Lottie and nap! This i-is breaking my rou-'

I don't know how long I was there standing in the middle of the living room, hitting my calves and whimpering, when the familiar sight of light baby blue and white plush fur came into my line of sight. My vision started to clear up and I stopped hitting my calves as Lottie was right in front of me.

Fearing that it was an illusion, I gently reach out to her and smile softly as I felt the soothing and gently plush of my Lottie. I gently take her from Lucia's hands and give her a tight hug.

My sister gave me a soft pat on my head as I look up at her," Remember that I was in charge of carrying Lottie when we went away on missions? She was in my bag all along bubba, you were very brave as I went to get her."

I sniff and hide my teary face behind Lottie as Lucia picked me up into her arms gently.

I always felt safe in my big sister's arms even when we were so fucking tall. No matter what be it a mission or one of my many meltdowns, my sister is always by my side to help calm me down or give me advice.

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