Magic, Tech, and Why Luz is Always the Drive Part 2

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello"- Luz's Deaf Accent


After taking a quick shower, putting on my at-home clothes which were just my comfy sweats and shark home socks, and apologizing to nana for fucking up her garden again, I was now whistling a small tone to myself as I was cooking breakfast with the small audience of the gremlins, my sister, the Blights, nana, and Eda.

The little gremlins were watching in awe as I tossed up a handful of fruits in the air, and with my twin blades, sliced them all up with perfect precision and confidence as I made a light breakfast of fruit parfaits for Eda and nana, mixed berry crepes with powdered sugar for the Blights, goreberry and banana french toast for the gremlins, and finally, for me and Lucia I was making a simple yogurt and honey fruit bowl.

The girls were out and about in the human realm already since they needed to go on a shopping trip for items they needed at the mansion and for the upcoming opening of the new club so I left their breakfast in the fridge.

I love to cook even if I don't look like someone who does. The heavenly smells, the color combinations, and the amazing tastes that you could create with just a handful of ingredients or even with what you have on hand, but that's not the only reason why I started cooking.

During the beginning of our lives in the Tunnels, the money we got from being drug moles was meager at best which wasn't surprising. Lucia and I were kids and Cain and the rest of the Santiago gang didn't give two shits about giving two sleep-deprived children fifty to sixty bucks a night for delivering their drugs to their customers all night without a break.

Then when winter time hit us, Lucia would shut off all the electricity in the house because we couldn't afford the outrageous bill that always came in the mail which led to us sleeping under a mountain of blankets in the living room and taking iced cold showers. Food was also a massive problem since our money had to be stretched super thin to the point that both of us would eat nothing but ramen noodles and one slice of bread for weeks. Sometimes there wasn't even that luxury and we would have to go dumpster diving to get food.

Then there came a time when our bodies were running on just fumes and could barely handle the stressful jobs that Cain started giving us. It was then that Lucia had to go out and steal from stores and supermarkets in town and sometimes from some of the shady food stalls down in the Tunnels. We had what to do to survive but it was my sister who to the heaviest of blows and she would go days without food and just drink water. She would always tell me that she would be okay and to not worry about her but I couldn't do that. I had to find a way to help her and I found it in the most unusual way.

One night during a drug run, I was crossing through some of the dark alleys of New York when I smelled the most delicious thing in the world. I followed where the scent came from and was surprised to see that it was the back entrance of a local restaurant in the area. I wanted a better view of what was making the delicious smell so I climbed up onto the big dumpster just below the window and what I saw finally gave me what I needed to help my sister.

Through the window, I saw the chef prepare plate after plate of food, grilling meats, cutting veggies, and so much more. The sight alone was something so magical that I didn't believe that a human could do all of that in such a small window of time. It was then I decided I wanted to learn how to do all this in order to help my sister and get her strength back.

So on our rare days off, I would go to the library to research, and thanks to my photographic memory I was able to remember each and every recipe I read as well as the different books on flora and fauna in the area that is safe and enable for human consumption.

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