A Gromtasical Night Part Two

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{The Following Evening: Outside of Hexside's Main Gym}

Amity's P.O.V 

'Where are they!! We told them here at eight and they are already ten minutes late!!'

I could hear my sister snicker behind me as we waited for our mates at the meeting spot, but can you blame me? This was my first grom with my mate-to-be and Luz's first time at a school dance. I wanted tonight to be perfect and fun for both of us.

'Even if I have to fight before that,' I grumbled in my mind as I stood next to Amelia.

"Calm your griffons, Ami," my sister chuckles as she gently straightens up the collar of my purple and magenta dress, making me whine a little," They will be here. Eda texted that they had a bit of trouble getting ready."

"But what could they be having trouble with," I asked while I tried to get her to stop," I mean I understand this is their first school event but..."

"And that's the reason," Amelia gently explained as she finished fixing my collar," School, interacting with students who want to get to know them, and getting to be your everyday teenagers is still fairly new to them Amity. Even though they seem to blend in and acclimate well with others, they are still very anxious.

I know that you want to have the perfect night with your mate, believe me, I want the same thing with mine, but we must make sure after the fight. We show Luz and Lucia that they don't have to be nervous when exploring new things or experiencing them so please. Be mindful and respectful if this all gets too much for Luz."

I nodded gently and chastised myself on the inside for forgetting this simple fact. I forget sometimes that the Drakes never got to experience this back in their old realm and to be fair it is easy to. Luz talks and hangs out with some of the witches from the Beast Keeping, Bard, and Abomination Tracks along with her fellow Multi-Track classmates. She's always so energetic and talkative to others, so much so that some of her classmates were asking me and Gus to teach them sign language to understand her a bit more. Lucia was a bit more reserved but I could tell that she got along fairly well with the Healing, Bard, Potions, and Multi-Track students and even helped out some of them by giving them tips and new perspectives to look at the problem. 

They were the ideal students and Bump, along with their teachers besides the Beast Keeping one, adored them. Even so, there were some instances when their lack of basic knowledge about what teens do has gotten them some strange looks but the others just chalked it up to them being very sheltered. 

'I mean they aren't wrong to a certain degree,' I agreed internally,' Though I wish I could understand what Luz was thinking twenty percent of the time. It's hard to figure out what she is truly feeling when it's not actively disturbing her.'

While I was thinking of ways to show Luz more of teenage life, the hurried sounds of two pairs of feet running our way caught my attention, along with my sister. The moment I turned my head, however, I felt my breath being knocked out of me as Luz and Lucia finally arrived at our meeting point.

"Sorry girls," Lucia pants as she tries to catch her breath and fix her shirt," Mom and King wouldn't let us go until we were completely clean and wearing everything perfectly. I swear for a demon who only wears his cap, King is meticulous when it comes to outfits he helps with."

Amelia and I didn't respond as we looked up and down our mates.

Both sisters were wearing matching suit styles with pristine black suit jackets and vests, black slacks and worn yet stylish leather dress shoes. The only different thing to separate them was that Luz was wearing a royal purple dress shirt with a matching tie and hankie and Lucia was wearing scarlet red without a tie or hankie. They were wearing their signature beanies but that just complemented their outfits even more. 

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