Part 2: Life Goes On Even in Darkness Part 4

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
" Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Thoughts' - Thoughts 

{The Last Memory Door}

3rd P.O.V

"Dear Titan..."

Both the Blights and Inner- Lucia stood in front of the last major memory door and what they saw shook them to the core.

Instead of the door being an inky black and gray with the background of whatever scene they were about to enter in disarray but  with this one. There was no scene, no greys, or anything to indicate where they were going. It was just complete and utter darkness. The door frame was cracking and seemed to be spreading out through the walls around it and effecting the small memories close by.

Inner- Lucia looked at the door in dread and tightened her grip a tiny bit as Amelia squeezed her hand back.

"Do you know what we will see in there," Amelia asked, her voice soft but also comforting for to her.

Lucia bit her bottom lip in hesitation and after a moment, she spoke while looking down at her small charred feet," We...We had no choice... W-We...*hiccup* "

Amelia was quick to comfort her mate, picking her up into her arms and letting out small purrs, while just completely broke down then and there. She kept pleading, begging for Amelia and Amity to not leave her and Luz. That they weren't mindless killing machines, that they good people just people who were given a really shitty hand in life and all the while she rambled on and on and on. 

Her mate never once loosened her grip on the small, unhealthily skinny frame of her Lucia. 

Amity by now was tearing up and looking towards the direction of where the main doors we located. Thinking about her Luz standing outside their former lair, all alone, patiently waiting for her family to come back to her. It broke her heart as she saw the smaller memories where Luz would do the exact same thing whenever Lucia left for a drug run or a mission Cain sent her on alone. She wanted nothing more than to have Luz in her arms and never let go but...


Both Lucia and Amelia give their full attention to her, Lucia now slightly a bit calmer after letting all she had pent up out.

Amity gently took Lucia's small rough hand into hers and squeezed it softly," We made you and Luz a promise once you two accepted our courtships. We both love you, care about you, hell we would even burn the world for you two if anyone so much as hurt you. 

We knew what we were signing up for as you grandmother talked to us before we wanted to make anything serious with you two. Even then we have seen the lengths you two would go to protect the people you love and destruction you both hold in just the palm of you hands, but Amelia and I don't see you two as monsters."

Amity looked at her older sister and Amelia smiled softly towards her before giving Lucia a small kiss on her forehead.

"We see you and Luz as our loving mates," Amelia finished and gently put Lucia on the ground," And once we are done here. We promise to shower you two in love, affection, and comfort."

Lucia held back her sobs and quickly wiped away her tears and tackle hugged her mate's leg tightly.

"P-Please... Please come back to us."

"We promise Lucia and we will make that promise to you once we finish fixing everything."

Lucia nods softly and after hugging Amelia a bit longer, she gave the sisters one last tender smile before running towards the exit to go back to her little sister. 

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