Back To School Part 4

901 37 11

"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

~{Hexside's Outdoor Training Ground}~

3rd P.O.V

"Now," Principal Bump started as the bleachers around the training grounds were filled to the brim with students," Would please tell us what you two will be demonstrating for us today? And please forgive the students as they weren't supposed to come to see this."

The Drake siblings shrugged their shoulders and told him that they didn't mind it at all as they were used to this type of behavior. Luz was rocking back and further on her feet while Lucia was the one who answered the Principal.

"If you allow it, sir," Lucia says while motioning Luz to pay attention," We would like to show you all by use fighting."

"Combat?" Bump said in a surprised tone as the students were getting antsy as they were going to get a first look at how powerful the Owl Lady's kids are," Well I don't see any harm in it but please do not destroy the field nor go overboard on anything."

They agreed and both sisters walked to either end of the grounds as the students were cheering loudly, wanting to see some carnage. Amity and Amelia, who rushed over to see this after her sister texted her about what happened, looked at their mates in slight worry as they knew just how overboard they could go when it comes to sparring whether it being solely hand-to-hand, weapons, or purely magic.

"Amity..." Amelia whispered," You don't think they'll use that move right?"

"I don't know, but we will get to see what they have been working on lately," Amity whispered back but you could tell she was worried about Luz getting hurt. She has seen a handful of times the way Lucia's training goes and how bruised up Luz gets afterward, but no matter how much Amity voices her concerns to her girlfriend. Luz would only just smile sadly and tell her that she was okay and that this training was necessary.

Amelia could sense her little sister's distress and gently ruffled her hair," They'll be okay mittens, and if they get hurt while sparring. We'll be here to patch them up like we always do then scold the living daylights out of them."

This made her feel a bit at ease and even laugh at the memory of the two deadly assassins cowering a bit under their angry glares. 

Meanwhile, Eda flies just above the training grounds on Owlbert and cast a massive firework spell up into the air to grab everyone's attention.

Once everyone was now looking at her, she gives the crowd and her daughters a mischievous grin," Now I want a good clean fight from the both of you! So no use of weapons of any kind besides those made of magic! And for the love of Titan no breaking any bones!! I do not want Ofelia on my ass for that again."

"We promise/ E omise!!

"Good! Now...BEGIN!!!"

The moment Eda said that word, everyone felt the temperature drop twenty degrees as both Luz and Lucia take off their jackets, their eyes and tattoos flaring up brightly. Everyone was in awe from the amount of pure raw magic just oozing off their bodies but what made them hold their breaths was the crazy wide smiles that were plastered on their faces, showing off their sharp canines.

"Don't. Blink." 

Lucia kicked off with all her strength, creating a massive crater below her, as she used her light magic to boost her already inhuman speed to the max. In a matter of just milliseconds, she was already in front of her little sister with her fist ready to deliver a hard punch to her face when.

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