Back To School Part 3

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

~{One Hour Later: Exam Room}~

Z  O

I let out a massive yawn as the principal graded my and Lucia's exams right there before us. He seemed to be looking at the massive stack of papers in disbelief as he doubles and triple-checked everything.

"In all my twenty years of being principal of this school...I've never seen anything like this before." He said in astonishment as he gave both our scores back in big red ink.

Lucia A. Drake:

~[Common Core]~
Runes: 100%
History: 100%
Common Tounge: 100%

~[Magical Knowledge]~
Construction: 99%
Oracle: 99%
Beast Keeping: 100%
Bard: 100%
Healing: 100%

Illusion: 97%
Plant: 98%
Potion: 100%
Abomination: 100%

Luz A. Drake: 

~[Common Core]~
Rune: 100%
History: 100%
Common Tounge: 100%

~[Magical Knowledge]~
Construction: 100%
Oracle: 98%
Beast Keeping: 100%
Bard: 100%
Healing: 97%
Illusion: 99%
Plant: 100%
Potion: 99%
Abomination: 100%

"Oh thank god, if Amelia found out I got anything less than a perfect score on the Abomination part. I don't know what she would've done to me." Lucia said in relief as I nodded with her.

"Mr. Alador and Amity would've probably put me through an Abomination 101 Boot camp till I can recite the whole process in my sleep." And I wasn't joking about that since Mr.Alador put me through the wringer to learn everything and anything related to Abomination-type magic to how the goop can be used in regular everyday life.

While Lucia and I were basking in our joy over passing that solo part of the exam, Principal Bump looked at us as if we were fucking crazy.

"Do you two not realize what you have just accomplished just now???" He said as he points at our exams.

We both shrugged as he explains to us in painstaking detail that we have just broken the school's record for the best grades in both Common Core and Magical Knowledge as well as the moment we choose which track we would be joining, we will be given a special badge that will allow us access to some of the advance classes and books found in the school library and in Bonesbrough Public Library.

"Huh...Well, I'll be damned." Lucia said while rubbing the back of her head as she takes her graded paper back.

"You can say that again though that kinda makes me wonder just how smart some of these students are if they couldn't pass such a simple test." I signed which earned me a light smack upside the head from my sister.

I let out a small growl and glared up at my sister, who gave me a pointed look, but the confused principal clears his throat and stands up from his seat to get our attention.

"As you both have completed the written portion of the transfer exam. It is now time for you to show me your magical potential so please follow me to the outdoor training area." He gives us a small smile and magically unlocks and opens the door, which made our mom, who was leaning up against it, fall on her back with a surprised yelp. Lucia burst out laughing as I went over to help her up. This time it was Lucia's turn in getting smacked upside the head.

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