Chapter Fourteen: A Basliks in My Fourth Period

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

[Disclaimer: PTSD, abuse, blood, and triggering scenes mentioned]

~{One Week Later: Monday - 5:30 AM at The Owl House}~

Lucia's P.O.V



"SWEET MERCIFUL FUCKING CHRIST!!" I screamed alarmingly as Luz and I fell out of hammocks and landed hard on the wooden floor. I let out a groggy groan as Amatus and King, who were sleeping in their specially designed mini hammocks, woke up from the loud voice of our mom and ran over to us.

"Ooowww!! Mom hat da fuck!!!!" Luz groans out sleepily while her sore head, "Is ooo early!!!"

For once I agreed with my sister as last night we trained for a full twelve hours starting from one in the evening to one in the morning and only stopping for small bathroom breaks and dinner. King even joined us for a bit before his bedtime and I showed him some light exercises while Luz was showing him some basic stances with his mini wooden sword. He loved it and tried to stay up with us to continue to train but Mom wouldn't let him.

Now he was standing in front of us in a sleeping daze with his little wooden sword ready to fight whoever woke us up, but he stumbled a bit from how fast he was moving. So before he fell onto the ground, I caught him and gave him a small tired smile and gently place him on my lap while Amatus snuggled into Luz's.

"Mom," I yawned softly as I look over the small Otabin-themed alarm clock that Luz and I made for King," It's five in the fucking morning, why are you waking us up?"

She crosses her arms and gives us a deadpan look," Do you two not remember what today is?"

Luz, King, Amatus, and I let out a big fat yawn and shook our heads at our mom's question. She smiles tenderly at us and rolls her eyes.

"You dingus, it's your first day at Hexside!" 

Luz let out an annoyed groan and slowly started to climb back into her warm hammock, "Uck schol. Ant sleep."

I was inclined to join Luz as my body was screaming at me to get more rest so that my healing factor could work faster, but we also have a job to do. So I placed my hand on Luz's shoulder to stop her grumpy butt from getting back into her warm cacoon.

She turns her head and pouts at me for not letting her go back to bed but I had a trick up my sleeve to get her to do anything.

"Luz, if you go back to bed. Amity would be really sad not to see you there when we go to pick her up~." 

The moment I utter Amity's name, Luz was fully awake and dashed at full speed past Mom, grabbing her uniform along the way, and made her way to the bathroom to get ready. 

"Man, Boots really has Luz wrapped around her finger doesn't she?" Mom said as she picks up the sleepy duo of King and Amatus into her arms.

"Oh you have no idea, but I would be lying if I wasn't the same way with Amelia," I said with a light dreamy voice," Especially when she gets adorably pouty during our cuddle time at her place."

Mom just rolls her eyes and just as she was about to tell me to go downstairs to the other shower to get ready. We all heard a massive thud and Luz let out a loud cry of distress.


'Welp duty calls, I keep telling her to slow down and wash carefully. This is the fourth time this month she's blinded herself with her shampoo.'

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