A Snow Date with Two Dragons and A Baby Slitherbeast Part 2

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{An Hour Later: The Owl House}

Luz's P.O.V

"Luz, are the little munchkins strapped in their seats?" Lucia asked as she placed the last bit of camping gear and other supplies in the back of the Puma.

I nod happily and pointed my thumb toward the back seat, where you can see through the window that Lizzy and Tony were secured in their car seats with Danielle happily in the middle watching Beyblade on the little TV I had installed for when we need to entertain King on long delivery rides across the Boiling Isles whenever mom takes an order outside of Bonesbrough.

"They didn't put up much of a fight after this morning's adventure or from taking their midday nap while we got everything ready. Though I don't know how it will be once we get to the Knee." I signed honestly as this would be the munchkins' first-ever adventure outside of the safe zone of Bonesbrough and the Owl House so both of us are kinda nervous about how all of this will turn out. 

Especially since we will be joining in the Bligth siblings' training time for their school exam.

'Well this trip is going to let me get the necessary data I need for my new gadget I made and we are finally getting to see more of the Isles. Too bad King wasn't able to come since he had to go to his check-up at the clinic.'

While I was thinking of ways to make it up to our little brother, I felt four pairs of feet walking up towards the Owl House. Two of them I recognized immediately as Lucia turns around to give the Blight siblings a smile.

"HEY, GUYS!!! SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!!" Ed shouts as they walk up to the Puma," We had to go through our father's inspection before he even let us out of the house."

Lucia brushes it off," Nah don't worry about it, we were just finishing our checklist and getting the little tykes situated in their seats. If you guys want, you can put your bags in the trunk to fly with such a heavy load."

Ed and Em admired the sight of the Puma and ran their hands against the smooth glossy finish while Amity came over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"You sure you two didn't wait long?"

I chuckle softly and shake my head, "We really didn't Am I promise. Now may I have to take your bags so I can put them in the trunk, my lady?"

Amity giggles at my silliness and gives me her bag as I Tetris it into the trunk with ease while my simp of a sister did the same thing for Amelia's pack which rewarded her with a bunch of kisses and her getting a goofy lovestruck smile. I had to turn around and cover my mouth to hide my snickering.

This is legitimately the first time I've seen my sister so whipped for someone else that wasn't me or the kids and seeing it is both really funny and also really weird. You would think so too when this almost six-foot-tall tanky-ass girl who can literally snap you in half, turns into a puppy dog for her girl.

I mean I do too but it's way more hilarious with Lucia!

*Tap Tap Tap*

"Luuuuuzzzz!!! Luuuuuciiaaaa!!! Are gonna go yet I wanna see the snow!!!" complained Tony who was trying to get out of his car seat. The girls also started complaining as the TV wasn't entertaining them anymore so after alerting my sister.

She told everyone to stand back and I pulled out my special key fob and gave them all a grin as I pressed a small button on the side. Everyone, besides my sister, jaws dropped when they saw my badass puma transform before their eyes.

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