Healing and Discovery Part 2

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

(Disclaimer: Shit is about to get dark towards the end so y'all have been warned)

~{Evening: The Owl House}~

Lucia's P.O.V

I gently placed Luz on the couch, making sure not to move her too much, and let out a small sigh of relief as she didn't wake up. The ride back home was uneventful and calm as I could tell that Mom was super stressed, especially with finding out a very confidential secret about me and Luz.

Once I knew one hundred percent that Luz was comfortable and sleeping calmly, I made my way to the kitchen where I knew Mom was there waiting for me to tell her everything. King wasn't going to be a part of this talk as he too was worn out from today's events. 

'It's for the best anyway,' I thought to myself grimly as I looked at my little siblings one last time before talking to mama owl,' King is still a bit too young to understand the magnitude of what Luz and I truly went through in the Tunnels...Hell, there are some things that I don't even know and the person who had all the answers is now dead.'

I slicked my hair back and take a deep breath as I walked into the kitchen and sat down in my usual spot at the table where right in front of me sat Mom with two cups of her strongest apple blood that she only brings out for her binges or when something happened like today. She gave a small smile and motioned me to take a sip which I did without hesitation as I knew this talk was gonna be a very long one.

"Kid," Mom started softly as I placed my now-finished mug on the table," You know that I don't butt into anything when it comes to yours and Luz's past as both your grandmother and I wanted the both of you to have somewhat of a fresh start here. But..."

"You want to know what exactly happened to me and Luz while we were in the Tunnle's care right?"

She nods softly.

I turn my attention toward the massive window that looks out to the backyard. It surprises me even now that the once barren yard that held maybe a handful of outdoor toys for King to play with was now full of all sorts of things. Luz and I made it our mission for the backyard to look more homey to everyone so we built and installed a new dark wood type porch that Hooty approved of happily. 

On the new porch, you could see a grill/smoker that Luz and I love to use on the weekends, a big box of colorful chalk that King loves to use, and finally, Mom's favorite rocking chair where she could overlook the sunset. We also got some deck chairs, a table, and a bunch of outdoor toys for King to enjoy, and even his own little swing set and slide where he would always beg Luz and me to play with him before bedtime or school.

A bit further down towards the edge of the woods, you would be able to see our massive two-story work metallic work shed where we would be the majority of our free time either working out or testing out new tech and techniques.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Mom set her mug down on the table and spoke," I still can't believe how much has changed since you two came into our lives. King loves playing outside especially now since he has so many toys and that thing you call a tri-cycle and Hooty is having a blast chasing after him."

I let out a small laugh," Yeah, Luz and I love it here. We don't get called on for missions nor do we go to sleep hungry. We don't have to worry about Cain and his thugs dragging or anyone from the Tunnels' coming after us to do their dirty work and most importantly. We can rest and be like normal teens. Rest was always a luxury for us and it didn't come often."

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