Talks and Video Games Part 2

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent

{Bonesbrough Shopping District}


"Wow, Luz look at how beautiful this dress is!!"

I couldn't help smiling at how adorable Amity was being while window shopping. Today she wanted to take me out on a date, which I had no complaints about since we were on an unexpected break from school while they were investigating, and it was honestly fun looking around and seeing what was sold on the Boling Isles.

"Oh!! Why don't we get this cute little bandana for Amatus," Amity said excitedly as she held up a white bandana with little Otabins on it. 

Amatus, who was happily sitting in my hood, looked at the bandana and patted my shoulder rapidly in excitement. I turned my head to see my little nephew, the little blueberry munchkin is technically Lucia and Ameila's first kid and no one can tell me otherwise, as he babbles his approval. He is still learning new words and his pronunciation so it's been a challenge to fully understand him. So I instead have been teaching him a special type of sign language just for him so I can know what he wants or needs and to help him understand me.

He was bouncing happily and pats himself excitedly," Want! Want please!!!"

This made us laugh and I signed to him while mouthing the words," Okay, okay calm down! We will get it for you but you have to help us find something for your mommies, grannies, and big brother. "

He nodded happily and bounced even more in my hood as I gently took the bandana out of Amity's hand to go pay for it. She, of course, protested and said she would pay for it but I told her I would pay for this and the gifts for our families. I mean Mom gives us a pretty good allowance and a bit extra when we help out at the stand and do errands for her. Also, the bouncer gig at Nana's new club pays fairly well too so why not splurge a bit?

Amity pouts a bit while I pay the two snails for Amatus's new bandana," I could've paid for it you know."

"And I said I would pay for the gift and whatever you want today," I interjected teasingly while tying Amatus's new accessory on, "How about this? I pay for the gifts and you pay for lunch, deal? "

She looked so adorable when she got pouty like this and begrudgingly agreed to my proposition on the condition she chose the restaurant, which I happily agreed to. 

So for the next couple of hours up until it was time for lunch, Amity dragged me all over the district and into every shop that either interested her or I pointed out that I wanted to see. We went to boutiques, bookstores, enchanting and blacksmith shops, and what I later found out was a sporting goods shop that caters to games called Grugby and Flyer Derby. I found the sport kinda interesting and a little unfair while reading the handbook as there was a stupid way to win the whole game.

'Harry Potter would be so proud of this stupid rule,' I thought to myself as I put the handbook back,' I mean it's a broken version of the Golden Snitch and how can something like that even be far?? It completely invalidates all the efforts of the players! I mean why do anything else if you could just find that little shit!?'

Amity had never seen me so heated before, especially not over a silly sport, but she couldn't help but agree with me when I brought up valid points and even told her that human sports weren't as unfair as this. This piqued her interest and she started asking more about the human realm and what were some of the things we did for entertainment and our culture. 

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