Chapter Sixteen Part 1: A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign language
"Hello"- Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{Hexside School of Magic and Demonics: Two Weeks after the Inncident}

Lucia's P.O.V

I let out a bored yawn as Luz, Amatus, and I was standing by Amelia's locker waiting for our mates so we all could walk together to our joint photography class. 

After recovering and getting our bodies back to peak condition, Luz and I were able to finally rejoin the others back at school even though it was a bit later. I underestimated how much damage we both took during our fight.

Even with our enhanced healing factors and high-quality healing potions Mom gave us, we had to take it easy for a few days. Luz's rampage did a number on not just her physical body but on her nerves and some of her organs. I discovered that the drugs they used on our bodies to make us their perfect killing machines have done more to us than we expected. I couldn't get much more information about whatever the hell is inside of us than that during very strong bursts of emotion something inside of us will snap and revert us back to a monster.

I spent countless sleepless nights trying to figure out just what hell the chemical makeup of some of those drugs was so I can at least get a small foothold on this mystery, but I still haven't found jack shit.

'Amelia and Amatus had to bribe me last night to get the minimum of five hours of sleep so I could come with Luz on our first day back but...'

I let out a small frustrated sight while smiling down at my son, who was happily showing off his brand new abomination body suit his mama made especially for him along with his reddish-brown collar that Luz and I made for him, and gave him a small kiss on his head.

He let out a small giggle and looked up at me with excitement in his bright sky-blue eyes," Mommy! Mommy!! Is momma almost here?"

Amatus has been lively chatting up everyone's ears off ever since he spoke his first words. Amelia couldn't get enough of hearing his cute thin but squeaky voice whenever Amatus would try to say more words like ice peaches, story, and candy. His adorable little lisp and how he would cheer in joy when either Amelia or I would reward him for saying it right.

I felt a small ping of phantom pain on my shoulder from the hard smack Amelia gave me when I accidentally slipped up and cursed in front of our son. Man did that fucking hurt.

"Mama will be here soon, buddy," I gently reassured Amatus," But do you remember the big rule about today's class?"

Amatus nods happily," Uh huh!!! I have to be on my best behavior and not disturb you, Mama, Aunty Luz, and Ami!!!"

I couldn't help but coo softly at how adorable my little fluffy boy is and gently scratch the top of his head while Luz chuckles a bit. I gave her a confused glare as she gave me a soft smile.

"I've never seen you this gentle with anyone before besides me and with the little ones back at the mansion. Though this softness is different, more like... More like how Mom is with us and King. Seems parenthood can do that to a person."

I roll my eyes at her and shove her a tiny bit, making her let out a hearty laugh, and just before Luz could shove me back. Amelia and Amity finally arrived from their history class. Both girls looked exhausted from such a boring ass class and I don't blame them as the teacher was one of those that read off their notes.

"Sorry for the wait you two," Amity apologizes as she gives Luz a small kiss on her cheek and pets Amatus a bit," We had a dumb test over fairy tax today and I had to wait for Amelia to finish up."

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