Talks and Video Games Part 3

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{The Drake Sister's Lair}

3rd P.O.V

"Hey, there's my little man," Lucia exclaims happily as Amatus jumps into her arms," Did you have fun with Aunty Luz and Amity?"

"Lots and Lots!!!"

Lucia couldn't help but coo at the adorable blue fur ball as Amelia watched how kind and caring her mate was with their child. Luz and Amity had just got back from their small date and were now playing some games together on the couch while she and Lucia were over by their sleeping area.

The area was something their mom and grandma came up with since Luz loved to spend as much time as she could tinkering away with her machines or when Lucia was studying for an ungodly amount of time. It had a massive bed that Lucia said was a California king-size, the Blight sisters are still confused to this day as to why a king needed this big of a bed but they kept that to themselves. The bed itself was the softest Amelia had ever slept in and the covers her mother got commissioned for it just made it even more comfortable. It was as if she was sleeping on a cloud, but there was one big problem that she was still trying to resolve.

And that was Lucia's weird thing about not sleeping in beds.

"Babe," Amelia said while grabbing a big bundle of blankets as both Lucia and Amatus let out a big yawn," It's almost time for Amatus's nap time and I think you need one too."

Lucia was running on little to no sleep thanks to her small bout of insomnia and after the talk, they had just before their sisters came back. Her mate needs rest or at least a small hour's nap with her son.

The tall brown-haired teen let out a small yawn and carried their almost knocked-out son over to the bed," I'll sleep on the floor next to him mi amor."

Amelia wasn't having it today and gave her a hard look, crossing both her arms over her chest," Lucia Asenio Drake, you are getting on that bed and napping with our son or so help me."

The human teen held her free hand up in surrender," Ame, I've told you already that beds are just... Are just not for me. Besides the floor isn't so bad! Luz and I cleaned this morning so it's nap-able"

"But you don't have to Lucia," Amelia lightly pleas as she walks over and gently placed her hand on her mate's chest," Why don't you sleep on the bed? You sleep on the couch completely fine, but why not the bed?"

Lucia sighed softly and checked to see if their sisters were still busy playing games, which they were, then looked back at her slightly annoyed yet worried mate. Sleep was one of the few things the older Drake hated more than anything in the world. It left her in a vulnerable state which gave anyone and anything a chance to get the jump on her. It had happened too many times in the beginning with Cain and his gang whenever they needed her for something or when any of the other five families.

However, that wasn't the main reason why Lucia nor Luz slept on beds anymore.

Amelia could tell the moment her mate went quiet that whatever she was about to tell her was going to add another mark to her massively growing list of people whom she needed to destroy. She climbed on top of the bed and gently patted down the area next to her for Lucia and Amatus to lie down.

Although sort of hesitant to follow the quiet command, Lucia eventually did, and after trying her best to not wake up the lightly snoring slitherbeat cub in her arms. She successfully laid down without waking up their son and now was trying her best to stay on alert.

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