The Twin Dragons and The Owl Lady Part 2

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"Hello" = Sign Language
"Hello" = Regular Speech
'Hello' = Thoughts


I already finished my delicious drink and snack by the time Lucia was done talking to Cain.

I quickly turned off the tablet and gave it back to George, thanking him for the drink and snacks, and went over to my sister.

I could tell from her body language that the meeting with that bastard Cain didn't go well as I saw her reddish-brown eyes slowly turning a dark crimson.

"Lucia are you okay?" I sign with one hand.

Lucia was known for her explosive temper when someone pushes her button too far. No one survives when she goes on a rampage and it's always up to me to calm her down.

I gently hold her hand and look up at her with deep worry in my eyes.

She takes a few deep breathes and smiles gently at me as her eyes change back to her original reddish-brown.

"We need to get out of town and fast." She signs to me as we walk down the stairs towards the entrance," Cain set us up and the guy we were sent to kill was a cop."

I tighten my grip as I went into overdrive on how we can get out of this mess.

As I did, Lucia nodded at the bouncers and we walked out of the club, more like dragged me along as I was too deep in thought.

Cops were one of if not the worst people in this fucking town. They don't even do their job in protecting the people they were sworn to protect except they extort, bribe, and harass anyone that gets in their way. Sometimes it's the local strippers or hookers that are trying to get money or the kids of those people they deemed as scum.

We had a few run-ins with them but they usually ended the same with either me or my sister kicking their asses for harassing us.

But this time it's different, they knew it was us who killed their partner because of the cameras, but a bit of luck was on our side as they didn't know where we lived.

I tugged on Lucia's hand softly and signed, "We have approximately four to five hours to get our shit and get out. That's enough time to get our long-term go bags and any gear we need with us."

"Why that short of time? Don't we have more since it's nighttime?"

I shook my head softly," You forget that both NY PD and CT PD are on the hunt for this place which means they doubled up on patrol cars and foot soldiers on the streets. One of the strippers told me that she was having a hard time getting cash because of it."

I saw my sister curse under her breath as we exited the Tunnel the way we came out. We nodded at the guards and sprinted deep into town, making sure to dodge and hide from the night patrol.

Fuck there's a shit load of them out tonight!!

My sister tugs my hand and points up toward the roofs. I nodded and we both parkour ourselves up onto the roof of a coffee shop and once we made it to the roof. My eyes widen at the sheer number of cops on the street.

I pulled out my heavy-duty night vision goggles and scanned through the area.

"There are about forty to fifty of them on foot right now. Five patrol cars making the rounds, but we're in luck. Most are either sleeping or sleeping with some of the hookers at Mr.Felix's shop."

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