Chapter Seventeen Part 2: Life Goes On Even In Darkness Part 1

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language 
"Hello" - Memories
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{The Drakes Mindscape}

3rd P.O.V

"Am...I'm starting to get anxious here." Amity admitted to her elder sister that they felt like someone or something was watching them while they walked down Brothel Alley.

Both Blights have been exploring and observing the subterranean city they now know as the Tunnels for half an hour. The same place where their mates had grown up and also lost themselves. The smell of cheap alcohol, tobacco, and drugs was in the air as well as a sweaty musky stench that never went away even when the girls conjured up abomination masks to help breathe a bit better. They couldn't imagine how humans could work much less live like this. It was as if they were living and enjoying their own sinful desires. The shadows of men and women laughing, cheering, and sometimes just dying right then and there instead of people panicking and screaming for help. The girls watched in horror as the shadowy human just laughed and kicked the now-dead body before going back to their activities.

Amelia gave her hand a gentle squeeze, comforting her," I know baby sis, but we need to find the memories."

"We've been walking around for almost an hour now! And we still haven't seen anything that could even be a semblance of a memory Amelia!" Amity argued as tears started to bubble up in her eyes," I-I...I don't even know what to look for to what is a memory! Titan above and below, I just Luz to be okay!!"

Amelia gently got down to her younger sister's level and placed her hands on her shoulders, grounding her and making her focus on her," I know sis, I want Lucia to be okay too but they need us right now. It's our turn to do the same for them so please don't give up hope-."


Amity and Amelia stood on guard as they saw from deep within one of the dark, a can of what looked like some kind of human soup roll out from it. Both witches looked at the can in suspicion but it wasn't until whoever dropped it came out to retrieve it. Amity felt her heart break as she saw who it was.


It was a child that looked no older than six years old, but seeing their small, bone-thin frame, sunken eyes, and shaggy brown hair. You could easily mistake them for a four-year-old and as she picked the can, shaking from the weight of the small item, the child looked up at the two. Her chocolate brown eyes dulled and were not filled with the same excitement that Amity was used to seeing but instead of seeing the fear she was expecting to see in the child. 

Little Luz gave her a small nod and motioned us to follow her, her eyes never changing but it was now that the girls finally noticed the child's clothes. It was the same outfit they saw Luz in when Madame Ofelia showed them the night of Drake's rampage but instead of the somewhat clean clothes they saw before. It was not charred and covered in burn holes. Her boots were also almost burnt to a crisp and her beanie was covered in ash and smoke. 

The three of them walked down the alley for what seemed like hours and as they journeyed through, they saw the scene around them change. Slowly the dark and grey stone faded away until finally, they came face to face with a massive building that, if they were back on the Isles, could be identified as a small museum. 

Amity felt a slight tug on her leggings and looked down to see Little Luz there shaking out of fear as her eyes looked towards the building with both longing and terror.

"...Ad ire...Urt..."

It took a moment for Amity to understand what Luz meant as her accent was less clear than before, but the way the little girl clung and buried her ash-covered face against her calf. She knew that whatever they were about to face in there.

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