A Day at The Library Goes Horribly Wrong Part 4

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' -  Thoughts

~{At The Divine Taste Cafe}~

Amity's P.O.V

"What can I get you four today?" asked the kind waitress as King and Luz were looking through the menu with determined looks, trying to pick the best meat dish ever.

Lucia rolls her eyes at her siblings and was the one to answer," Can I get two fizzy apple blood floats for those two, and an iced peach and booberry cocktail for myself?"

"And I will get my usual sunogranate iced tea, please." 

The waitress gives us a small smile and informs us that our drinks will be out in a few moments before they head back into the kitchen. Luz and King finally look up from the menu and pointed at what they wanted from both the regular and kid's menu, which just made me giggle at how proud they were of their choices.

"Listen you do not understand!" Luz starts as she defends her choice, which was a ten-ounce siltherbeast mushroom and onion salisbury steak with fire rice and mixed veggies, "I love steak and this is gonna be my first taste of demon realm steak!! I can't wait!!!"

Luz was bouncing in her seat excitedly along with King, as he points at his choice," And I don't get go out to restaurants often unless I'm really good!! So I'm gonna get the spicy cheesy griffin fries with extra cheese!!!"

Titan give me strength with how adorable Luz was being right now as she holds my hand happily.

After we got done cleaning up their study area and some of the mess that the twins left, we made our way to the cafe. King and Luz were super excited to go to the cafe while Lucia reminded them to not destroy anything in the restaurant and to get something with vegetables, which made King pout.

On the walk there, I was giving the Drake siblings a much more detailed tour of main street, the marketplace, and some hole-in-the-walls stores I actually love going. King sometimes puts his input about some of the night market areas he knows about when Ms. Eda takes him so that he can help pickpocket.

But that wasn't the highlight of the small trip as that went to Luz holding my hand the entire time and asking me about some stores and weird knickknacks that would catch her eye. She didn't let go even when we go inside the cafe as she said that she likes my small hands and how perfectly they fit in hers. If my face wasn't red then it was now as Luz gave me a shy smile.

I look over at my Luz as she was coloring on the kid's mat with King happily and smiled at her dreamily as I felt her thumb gently rub against my knuckles.

'Titan I really love this girl'

"Wooow so this is what a third wheel feels like huh." Lucia jokes as I felt my face turn even redder.

"Ha ha hush Lucia..." I pout as she just laughs at my embarrassment.

"Nah Nah, it's all good don't worry," Lucia reassures as the waitress brings over our drinks and takes our orders," I've known for a while that you like my little sister so I kinda suspected you wanted to take Luz on her first date soon~."

I tried to hide my burning face behind my drink and refused to look at her as she takes a sip of her cocktail calmly," But you do know what you're signing up for if you want to continue the relationship with Luz right? After everything you've seen and what we are capable of?" 

"I do believe me I do. Amelia and I had a conversation about this and so has our mom when you dropped us off." I look over at Luz, who is happily oblivious to the serious conversation that was happening and playing with King, and turned back to Lucia as I gave her a serious look," I know that you want to protect both me and my older sister but I...I love Luz so much. She's so kind, caring, and so special to me as she doesn't see me as the daughter of the Blight family but just as myself with no judgment. I-I want to be there for her just like she has been for me, s-so please allow me to court your sister!"

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