Chapter Seven: The Two Angels and Their Two Broken Dragons

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"Hello"- Normal Speech
"Hello "- Sign Language 
'Hello '- Thoughts
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent


After a quick dash through the forest, Lucia and I were finally in front of the heavy metal gates that now were slightly dented from this bitch's attempt to enter the sanctuary not to mention some of the walls were slightly cracked and scorched. 

I felt my eye twitch a bit in annoyance as I know that tomorrow the old hag will make me and Lucia fix this before going back home with Eda and King. 

"She's going to make us fix this later isn't she..." Lucia sighs and glares at the unconscious form of Lilith Clawthrone," I really hope the old hag scares her good, or else I will later."

"Lucia, you already did and so did I. She won't be messing with us anytime soon after how we left her men." I signed as we walked up the stone pavement towards the mansion. 

But instead of the usual spring in my step after finishing one of the old hag's games, my stomach was churning and twisting into knots with each step I took towards the front door to the mansion.

Usually, when it came to Nana's games, Lucia and I were always over the moon to do it since we would get a really awesome reward afterward.

Nana started these games back when we were eight and ten. Cain was becoming more and more unbearable to the point that with each mission Lucia and I went on or drug run, we wouldn't even have time to sit down before being sent off somewhere else.

We had just finished our third year of working for him as well as we had just finished the hellish training regiment he put us through in order to start taking outside jobs for other people in the Tunnels. We haven't had a break in over five months or even time takes a small nap and by this time, we were also starting our first job for Madame Ofelia whenever as extra muscle at her brothels and clubs. From what she told us, she was intrigued to see who we were as the rumor mill told her we were the youngest and strongest assassins to come out of Cain's forces. 

It was actually one of the girls who found Luz and me completely passed out from exhaustion on one of the booths by the bar. Poor girl thought we died till she saw our small chest moved up and down with each breath. Madame Ofelia was not pleased to see the Tunnel's supposed top assassins sleeping on the job but when she took one at us, The Twin Dragons of the Santiago gang, she immediately ordered one of her girls to carry us to one of the unused bedrooms and let sleep.

That was the day we witnessed our first true act of kindness from the Madame and from that day on we would only take jobs from her and Cain unless ordered to. It was a real blessing and curse in disguise meeting Nana that day even if sometimes she took it too far though that's just how our life was. Not all bad people are bad and not all good people are good, our egg donor and Ms.Eda are two very valid examples of that.

Eda may be this world's biggest criminal and con artist, but she also has a very good heart when it comes to helping people who are just like her, outcasts who society deemed to be either weird or not needed. She gave us a place to stay for little to nothing in return, she feeds us, teaches us her craft, and even enjoys spending time with us and listening about our past. She didn't care if we were killers or if we drink and smoke at a very young age. She just asks that we keep it out of reach from King.

Our egg donor, on the other hand, wanted everything to be a certain way and this was before our father died. I remember during one of our binge drinking nights, Lucia would tell me stories of when our father was still alive. He was lively, funny, and always ready to help others. He was also unique like us and she even said that he cried when he held me for the first time and would always fight with our egg donor because of the way she treated us when I started losing my hearing and Lucia was having trouble because of her ADHD.

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