Chapter Twelve: A Snow Date with Two Dragons and A Baby Slitherbeast

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts

{Bonesbrough Shopping District: Two Weeks Later}

Lucia's P.O.V

 "Fucking christ on a stick Luz..." I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance while looking at my little sister, who was on the floor laughing her ass off at how the munchkins had just destroyed a massive clothes rack.

"I am so sorry ma'am." 

The store clerk just laughs it off and magics the rack back to their original form," Nah don't worry about it. That rack is notorious for being destroyed by little witchlings. So much so that we only place the clearance items on it."

I was just really grateful that the majority of the shops here in the Boiling Isles were relaxed when it comes to kids destroying shit. It always turns into either a massive nightmare or a headache when nana and the girls put us on kiddie duty for the day and then proceed to give us an enormous list of items for us to get them. We are assassins, two of the Tunnels and the human realm's best thieves and powerhouse, and yet...

"Lucia, are we almost done?" Tony asked softly as he lets out a small yawn and rubs his small fist under his goggle glasses. It was still pretty early in the morning, about nine, so it was no surprise that the little tyke was tired. 

Today, we were watching over Tony, Lizzy, and Danielle as Xavier, Lucas, and Kyle had a bad case of the common cold with the toddlers. So the whole mansion was a war zone of mothers trying to calm their sick children and nana making a massive batch of flavored Cold-Be-Gone potion. She already had a bunch on hand for whenever the kids or the girls were under the weather but kids being kids, they flat-out refused to drink the nasty-smelling medicine and then threw the biggest tantrum in the world.

The girls immediately called us at the crack ass of dawn to come to the mansion and pick up the kids that weren't sick and watch over them for the day. That kind of sucked because Luz and I were planning to hang out with our girlfriends today...

'Girlfriends...Jesus, it still feels so surreal using that word...'

I smile softly to myself as I thought about my beautiful Amelia as I gently pick up little Tony into my arms, and paid for the custom-ordered clothes that the girls had made. I thanked the store clerk once again and with that, the five of us left the store with the needed items and went to look around for a place to gave a small late breakfast. 

Luz was smart enough to bring her prototype enchanted backpack on our outing today so that we could easily carry all shit the girls needed us to get and that we had free hands to keep track of these little shits. 

Luz quickly stuffs the clothing bags into her backpack, tapping the small LED screen on one of the straps, and gives me a thumbs up as she shows me that the bag was at forty percent full.

"Man that bag is a lifesaver Luz," I said happily as I readjust Tony in my arms and chuckle softly as he snuggles closer to me." Seems like you and Alador have been getting along just fine."

"Oh definitely! "Luz signs happily," Mr. Alador and I had a bunch of fun inventing new magical items and he was even going to add the backpack along with some new weapon designs to his new line of products! "

After the sleepover and confessing to our crushes, we had a very eventful morning and by that I mean we had to face Mr. and Mrs. Blight at the breakfast table. Which was very nerve-wracking for some reason. It didn't help that I had a dark hickey-like mark on my neck and Amelia had a similar mark on her neck along with dark hickeys decorated along her neck, shoulders, and part of her chest.

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