Chapter Six: A Dance of Jealousy and Fire

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"Hello" - Sign Language
"Hello" - Regular Speech
'Hello'   - Thoughts

Lucia's P.O.V

After nana reunited with her childhood best friend that not even Luz and I knew about and surprisingly got apologizes from both Blight sisters, the eight of us made our way through the secluded dirt road that would lead us to Madame Ofeila's mansion. Though my mind was elsewhere as I didn't know how to feel about all this if I was being honest.

For the majority of our lives, it's only been Eda who has truly apologized to us when she flipped about the whole Havenstar bullshit. Madame apologized to us and it was mostly because of a really dangerous job that almost cost both my and Luz's life at the time. Other than that, no one has ever apologized for something that was their fault though the convention wasn't their fault, and yet they still said they were sorry for not defending us in time.

We were always the ones who had to apologize for getting Madame's food order wrong and then getting it thrown at us on a bad day( which wasn't often and she would later take us out somewhere as a way to say sorry and not verbally have to say) to getting beaten by Cain's men because we fucked up during training or a mission. It was always us who had to say sorry and take the punishment that comes with failure but this time was different.

Luz also has conflicted feelings about this too while she was eyeing Amity with slight caution as if she was waiting for her to strike her or use her magic as a punishment. I did the same thing with Amelia even though she was observing this mysterious part of the forest that she didn't know existed. 

I took the time to look over Amelia's outfit for the day which was the same one she wore when I met her two weeks ago, though she did opt to wear a tiny bit of makeup to hide the slight puffiness of her eyes.

'She's been crying...'  I felt my stomach squirm uncomfortably as I imagined Am laying in her bed and crying because Luz and I had to leave to keep the peace at the convention. We were used to people and law enforcement kicking us out of public places and town events because of our connections but for the first time, someone defended us to let us stay and even went as far as to fight for us.

I...Don't know how I feel about this new experience or how I feel around Amelia.

I've never experienced what most teens my age would call a crush or slight infatuation with someone and it's more complicated with Luz since she doesn't understand social cues or how to express emotions at the right time. We both know that we are attracted to both males and females, more on the females' sides sometimes, since we found some teens around town attractive but we would never physically interact with them since we didn't want anyone else being pulled into our fucked up life.

  Our biggest fear was letting people in again and having them abandon us as our egg donor did a decade ago. We never made friends, only connections, in the Tunnels and some of the shops around town. No one wanted to be around the town's weirdo gangsters who lived in the old museum on the outskirts of town. We gave up that easy and carefree life when I stepped foot into the devil's lair.

We were made into monsters and killers, we have killed in cold blood as well as 

Though that has changed now since we have been living here in the demon realm for almost a month now. Eda doesn't treat me or Luz as if we are dangerous animals that need supervision twenty-four-seven. She just sees two broken and misunderstood teens that just needed a safe home and someone there to give them the support and guidance they need. She has never physically struck us or even raised her voice to us in a violent way. All she does is listen to us, gives us space when we need it, and also teach us whenever she has free time away from her stand or her potion business.

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