The Two Angels and Their Broken Dragons Part 3

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{Who's ready for drunk Lucia and a lot of angst!!!! I have no regrets XD}

"Hello"- Normal Speech
"Hello"- Sign Language 
'Hello' - Thoughts
"Hello" - Luz's Deaf Accent

{Two Hours Before Amity and Luz Came Into the Kitchen}

Amelia's P.O.V

"Nana!! Please tell me you have alcohol in the big boy fridge because this mama is full of trauma and needs to get shit-faced!!" 

I was about to scold her for asking her grandmother for alcohol to get shit-faced when I came face to face with what I would describe as heaven itself. 

'Titan fucking damn it if this was how I die I have no regrets...'

Lucia was in nothing but a pair of soft-looking black cotton shorts with two white stripes on either side, a pair of black socks, a thin black beanie, and her hair was a curls wet mess and her two long bangs were slightly wavy. I had a front-row seat at what was hidden under her tank top.

Look I know what you are thinking, Amelia didn't you already have a front-row seat when Lucia was dancing with that girl on stage? Yes, but I was too focused on being angry with Lucia and how that girl she was dancing with was making her uncomfortable and smirking at me as if she won. I wanted to ring her stupid skinny bitch's neck but that's not important right now.

"Yes there is Lucia, I remembered to restock yours and your sister's favorite so there should be some hard black cherry and watermelon mountain dew for you and Luz's super strong cocktails."

Lucia cheers happily and as she walks past me to get to the second fridge that was filled with what I guess was alcohol, I was able to see the defined six-pack and muscles she had gotten through whatever type of training she has been doing along with the amount of detail her brand. She looked as if she was sculpted by a master artisan to depict what a demi-god of one of the old gods would've looked like.

"Eda do you want a drink? I promise that this is much stronger than the apple blood you introduced to us."

Eda perked up at this," Sure kid! Give me what you think I might like." 

Lucia gives her a cheerful grin and ruffles around to three cans of some strange kind of alcohol. Two of them were in a very tall black metal that was red and the other was pink, and the third can was tall like the others but it was silver in color with weird symbols on it. 

She walks over to Eda and gives her the silver can," This is Asahi super dry, one of the best beers I drank when Luz and I went to Japan and it's super strong and it has a smooth taste." 

I watched the Owl Lady opens the can and takes a cautious sip and to my surprise, her eyes widen, and takes a long sip from the can.

"Goddamn kid this is good! Phew! And really hella strong bring me another can mama is gonna join on this drinking party!!" Lucia lets out a hearty laugh and sets her cans on the island as she goes to get Eda more cans. 

As she walks past me to get the alcohol, beer from what I remember she called it, I could see her perfect six-pack abs that looked as if they were sculpted from marble, her arms and legs were perfectly defined from the amount of training she does and gods did she look absolutely divine in just shorts.

She must've sensed my eyes lingering on her as she gives me a teasing smile and a flirty wink, "Take a picture, Ame, it'll last longer but you might want to get a tissue~."

I look at her confused till I felt a droplet land on my hand and to my utter embarrassment, it was a small droplet of blood and I immediately knew what happened. Ms. Sophia was hiding her snickering behind her wine glass as she hands me a tissue.

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