The Madame Of Aphrodite's Palace Part 2

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Amelia's P.O.V

I knew the moment I woke up today that it wasn't going to be a good day.

After the Drake Siblings left the Convention hall, Amity had a full-on yelling match at our former teacher. I've heard so much heat coming from my little sister and to be honest, kinda scared me a bit at how much she reminded me of our mother.

But she was valid in her anger as Conveness Clawthrone wouldn't listen to us about how the Havenstar daughters were the ones who started the ruckus. She threatened Lilith that she would have her and her guards' fucking jobs for trying to arrest her friends who were just protecting them.

Titan above and below, I've never seen the head witch of the Emperor's Conven go that pale because of the threats of a fourteen-year-old.

Anyway, after Amity yelled for a good half hour, the both of us went on a hunt for Luz and Lucia. When Luz demonstrated just what would happen when she finally snapped, the Parks and Porters didn't want anything to do with them for the time being, fearing they might invoke their wrath. I wanted to smack all four of them upside the head hard but I would be a hypocrite if I did.

I was also shaken up by the strength the gentle giant had though I had a sinking feeling that it had something to with what Lucia told me before all this went down.

After Lucia lightly scolded Luz for wanting to separate from the group with Amity, she explained that Luz would be on edge because her routine was interrupted the past two days because of King. I didn't really understand why Luz would be on edge for such a small thing but the look Lucia gave me when she told me said that it was really important for Luz to keep a certain routine.

'Fuck my life right now.'

I quietly groan into my hands as I lay there in my comfortable queen size bed I tried to figure out how to fix this mess but I was interrupted by my mother and Amity coming into our room. If I was in a better mode I would've told them to knock.

"Honey, it's already past ten... You and Amity missed breakfast and I am beginning to worry since you two never pass up on your father's famous goreberry pancakes."  I could hear the worry in her voice as she and Amity sat down on my bed.

I uncover my face and turn to my mother and baby sister. Mother was dressed in casual houseware which was her comfortable short-sleeve tunic shirt, a pair of slightly baggy house pants, and her oracle-themed slippers while her hair was in a slightly messy bun. Many people when they see our mother in her aristocratic clothing would think she gets up at the crack of dawn just so she has enough time to get ready for the day but that isn't really the case. She loves the lazy mornings that come with running the best industry for security and abomination-type weapons where she can just enjoy breakfast with her family and spend the weekend with us but today I didn't feel like interacting with anyone.

I look over at my baby sister and saw that her eyes were red and swollen from crying. We spent the rest of yesterday trying to find the Drake sisters but when the sun finally set, we had to give up our search as the lamps began to light up the dark streets and the nocturnal businesses started to appear. Amity wanted to keep searching but with the night workers starting to appear and remembering what our mother told us about some of them, I had to carry my baby sister back home even if she fought me along the way.

"I'm sorry mom...Today I just don't feel like interacting with anyone."

Mom gently runs her fingers through my mess mane of green dyed hair," Amity said the same thing when I got her out of her room. Does this have anything to do with what happened with Lilith yesterday?"

I nod softly, not wanting to speak as Amity just leaned on our mom for comfort. 

"What exactly happened yesterday dears? I haven't seen you two this upset since those Havenstar girls started all this nonsense." 

Amity was the one who recounted what happened during the convention from when we met up with the Drake sisters and Porters, when we got there, exploring the event, and then the whole Havenstar issue and Lilith. I filled in some extra information and even told her about Amity's shouting match with the Head of the Emperor's Coven, much to my sister's embarrassment. Mom stayed quiet the whole time, listening to us intently as we told her the whole story and by the time we got to the part of Luz destroying a wall with just a kick and the sisters leaving, a whole hour went by.

After a moment, mom finally spoke," From what you two have told me about Luz and Lucia, they seem to be nice and very protective girls that care deeply about you two. Though they also came from a life where they had to learn how to fend for themselves at a very young age without the help of an adult. Though I am worried about who this mysterious caretaker is and if they are taking the appropriate steps for them to slowly get used to their new lives."

She gently shakes her head," That's a conversation for another time. Now I am going to tell you this upfront girls because this is something you will need if you want to progress any further with your friendship with these two."

I gently sat up in my bed and gave my whole attention to our mom as Amity did the same.

"Be patient with them and learn to communicate accordingly. I know that communication is not really your strong suit like a certain purple goop-covered man I will not name at this moment," That made us giggle as she smiles lovingly at us," Luz and Lucia are new to being regular teenagers moreover, from what Amity told me, there may be more sensitive issues that the sisters have that they don't want anyone else besides the people they trust to know."

The both of us nod softly as we knew she was right like she always was when it came to the complicated emotions department.

"Now then if that is settled, can you two please get ready in about half an hour? It's been so long since the three of have any mother daughter time and this could possibly help you two with finding an apology gift for the Drakes."

Both Amity and I agreed and after those two left, I quickly took a shower and dressed in my usual outfit.

'A gift for Lucia, I could tell from our small time together that the eldest Drake likes reading about magic more specifically about the healing coven.'

I recall the small genuine smile on Lucia's face when she read a small introduction booklet from the Healing Coven stand. Seeing her smile like that just from reading a subject she enjoys made my heart skip a beat.

'Maybe an intro level healing tome could do the trick.'

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Amity coming into my room in her usual outfit that was a black dress, lavender tights and her favorite inch hell boots with Cresent moons for her buckles.

Her eyes were still sorta puffy but not as bad as a moment ago. She gently sat next to me as I finish up doing my hair.

She leans on my a bit and I could tell she was both excited to spend time with mom but also extremely anxious about looking for a gift for Luz.

"Hey Am?"

I hum softly as I tied my hair up in its usual top know style.

" you think Luz will forgive me? I want to spend more time with her and be with her. I just don't want her to hate me."

I look over at my baby sister, her face full of sorrowful regret at not following them yesterday as I too remember the pained look the two gave us before leaving.

I wrap my arm around Amity's shoulder and held her close," She could never hate you Amity, but it still doesn't make up that we let the walk away after trying to protect us. We will make it up to them okay?"

Amity looks up at my hope in her eyes as she nods quitely and hugs me tightly.

'I am worried about them too Ami, I just hope they can forgive us.'

{Damn it's been a hot minute!! Hey guys and let me start with saying I am so sorry for not posting on on the regular. University and work have been piling up on me and Jesus am I taking a beating with my programming class and calculus. I will try my best to post whenever I have free time!! As well as I want to thank every single one of you for giving me so much joy as y'all enjoy my stories!! I'll see you guys later (^w^)/ }

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