Dinner With The Blights, Blessings, and the Wailing Stone Part 4

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"Hello" - Normal Speech
"Hello " - Sign Language
"Hello" Luz's Deaf Accent
'Hello' - Thoughts


{Midnight At Blight Manor: Guest Bedroom}

I let out a small whine and sat up slowly as I woke up in the comfortable but foreign bed. 

'Beds feel so weird. How do people stand sleeping on these things?' I grumbled to myself as I slowly crawled out of bed, making sure not to wake up King, and stretched my body a bit as sleep was now out the window.

I sleep a maximum of five to six hours with my one-hour nap included because that's the sweet spot where I'm able to function without worry perfectly. If I sleep over that number I get really groggy and if I sleep less than it then I get really snappy. Lucia was the one who actually found my sweet number and helped sleep-train me to wake up automatically when it was time to get up. 

Anyway, judging from how high up the moon was from the big window, it was about one in the morning and I have absolutely nothing to do to entertain myself till the sun rises. 

I didn't even have my phone or our shared scroll to play with since Lucia made it a rule that I'm not allowed to play games in bed. All because I spent thirty-six hours building my dream castle in Minecraft and doing some kick-ass pixel art, but noooo I get put on videogame probation while she gets to spend the whole damn night texting Amelia.

I call fucking bullshit!

'I really gotta get Eda to let me get my own scroll or at least tell me how to make one because I cannot go another insomnia night without something to do or entertain my hamster brain.'

 While I was grumbling and exploring the room in much greater detail to try to speed up the night. I was thinking about all the different rooms and cool paintings Amelia and Emira were showing us on our way to our room when a lightbulb flickered on in my brain.

'Lucia said that I had to stay in the room till morning and it is technically one in the morning...'

I felt myself smile mischievously and after making sure that King was sound asleep and tucked in the bed, I slip out of the room and into my new playground that is Blight manor.



{One Hour Later}



'Holy shit there's a bunch of room in this damn place!'

I've already explored the first floor where there was the main living room, archway, dining room, kitchen, and a door that led to the basement which I think Mr. Alador told me was where his lab was located so that off limits. 

There were a bunch of magical family heirlooms and other artifacts that were located on the first floor. Some glowed in the moonlight and others I sensed would very much lead you into the healing coven or Lucia's healing pod if you even touched it. I seen saw a massive serpent-type monster skeleton that was hanging over a certain room that I suspect was Mr. and Mrs. Blight's office.

'I give them a six out of ten in the intimidation department but Las Sirvientas Del Infierno top this out of the park especially when it's valentines day...' I cold shiver go down my back when I remember that awful mission they made us go on.

I can never enjoy strawberries ever again that night... 

Anyway, I was now on the second floor and surprisingly this was the floor that seemed to harbor the library and the Lord and Lady Blight room. 

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